A sufficient Number of Delegates, to compose a Lower House
of Assembly, being convened at the Stadt-House, Mr. John Golds-
borough, a Delegate returned to serve in this Assembly from Talbot
County, and Col. Edward Tilghman, a Delegate returned to serve
for Queen-Anne's County, attended on his Excellency the Governor,
to acquaint him therewith.
Benedict Calvert, and Daniel Dulany, Esquires, from the Upper
House, and Mr. John Ross, Clerk of the Council, came into the
Stadt-House; in whose Presence the aforesaid Delegates took the
several Oaths to the Government required by Law, subscribed the
Oath of Abjuration, repeated and signed the Test.
Col. Hammond, and Col. Tasker, from the Upper House, acquaint
the Members of this House, That the Governor requires their At-
tendance in the Upper House.
The Members of the Lower House went to the Upper House. His
Excellency required them to return to the Lower House, and choose
a Speaker.
They returned, and unanimously made Choice of Col. Henry
Hooper, a Delegate of Dorchester County, to be their Speaker, and
placed him in the Chair.
Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Goldsborough were sent to acquaint his Ex-
cellency, That this House hath made Choice of a Speaker.
Benedict Calvert, and Daniel Dulany, Esquires, from the Upper
House, acquaint the Members of this House, That the Governor
requires their Attendance in the Upper House, to present their
The Members of the Lower House went to the Upper House, and
presented (to the Governor) Colonel Henry Hooper, as their Speaker.
His Excellency gave his Approbation of their Choice; and made
the following Speech, viz.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
As many of you are already acquainted with what passed be-
tween .... [The speech beginning thus is printed in full in the
Upper House Journal pp. 3-5]
p. 2