The Lower House. 85
Richard Lee, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker,
the Bill, entituled, An Act for the more immediate Defence and
Security of the Inhabitants on the Western Frontier of the Prov-
ince; Indorsed, By the Upper House of Assembly 30th April, 1757.
Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table and thus By the
Upper House of Assembly, 2d May, 1757. Read the second Time,
and, with the Amendments proposed in a Schedule herewith sent,
will Pass.
Signed p Order. J. Ross, Cl Up Ho
And the following Schedule, viz.t
By the Upper House of Assembly, May 2, 1757.
[This Schedule printed in Upper House Journal pp. 34-37]
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
May 2
Upon Reading the Indorsement made by the Upper House on the
Bill aforesaid, and the Schedule therein Referred to, it is Unani-
mously Resolved, That the Proposals of the Upper House, specified
in the said Schedule, are Irregular and Unparliamentary; and this
House cannot, consistently with their Rights and Privileges, even
take them into further Consideration, as it is not only their un-
doubted Right that all Bills, for Grants of Aids or Supplies, should
begin in this House, but that the Sum, Appropriation, and Qualifi-
cation of such Grants, ought not to be altered or changed by the
Upper House; and as from the Abundance and Variety of Matter,
and Difference of Design, expressed in the said Proposals, from the
Addition of a new Sum, and new Purposes, for which the whole is
to be applied, they may be more justly term'd the Draught of a new
Bill than Amendments to an old one; upon the Whole, Resolved
Unanimously, That the said Proposals of the Upper House are an
Innovation and Infringement upon the ancient and uncontroverted
Right of this House, and an Attempt ultimately to arrogate to
themselves a Power of Forming Money-Bills, which, if once estab-
lished in them, would be the manifest Destruction of one of the most
valuable Privileges of this House.
On Motion, Ordered, That the last mentioned Bill, with the several
Indorsements thereon, and the Schedule sent with the said Bill from
the Upper House, be Printed in the votes and Proceedings.
p. 423
Benedict Calvert, Esq;r from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker, the Bill, entituled, An Act for the Relief of sundry In-
habitants of this Province, who have had their Servants Enlisted
into his Majesty's Service; Indorsed, By the Upper House of As-
sembly 29th April 1757. Read the first time and ordered to lie on the
table and thus By the Upper House of Assembly, 2d May, 1757.
Read the second Time, and will Pass.
Signed p Order. J. Ross, Cl Up Ho.
p. 424