" Slaves or Servants to any other his Matys Plantations It Shall be
" Lawfull for Such Naval Officer to Repay the Same Duty for such
" Slaves or Servants so as afores.d by him Received in Proportion
" to the N.o of Slaves or Servants so Bonded to be Exported And that
" a Certificate under the Hand & Seal of the Collector & Naval
" Officer of the District in any other his Matys Colonies Where the
" s.d Servants or Slaves Shall be Carried to, That Such Servants &
" Slaves have been Bona Fide Entered with such Collector & Naval
" Officer Returned to the Naval Officer taking such Bond in the
" Space of Six Months after the Date of such Bond Shall Vacate
" the Same."
There is also a further Duty Imposed by this Act for the pur-
poses afs.d upon all Ordinary Keepers.
If more Money Shall be Raised by Virtue of this Act than the
£6000. the Surplus is Directed to be Applyed towards Dische of the
Publick Expences of the Province as the General Assembly for the
time being Shall Direct
This Act to Commence on 1 Aug.st 1754. & to Continue till the
£6000 : thereby Directed to be paid Be Levied & Replaced as af .d &
till y.e End of y.e next Assemby after Such Repayment.
Note. This Act being Calculated for Raising an Imme-
diate Supply of Money for his Matys Service upon the then Emer-
gency of Governm.t there is no Clause in it to Suspend the Operation
till the Proprietarys Pleasure Signifyed upon it nor have any Such
Clauses been Usually Inserted in Acts Passed in this Province. But
the Act having Reced the Assent of the 3 Different Branches of the
Legislature of the Province on 24 July 1754. is Expressly made to
Commence in a Week afterw.ds on Aug.st 1754 long before y.e Pro-
prietary co.d have any Notice of it. But the Proprietary has not as
yet Signifyed any Assent or Dissent to it as having neir Motive nor
Inclination to Dissent to an Act so Essentially necessary to the very
Existence of the Province & the necessity of an Assent being Re-
moved by the immediate Operat.n of the Act.
About a Year after Passing this Act Application was first made to
Lord Baltimores Agents in England by M.r John Stuart of London
Merch.t the Contractor with the Goverm.t for the Exportation of the
Convicts, Complaining that by Virtue of this Act the Naval Officers
of the Province had taken from his Agents a ffee of 20.S for every
Convict there Landed But this Complaint being made by Parolle only