the said Rum, Spirits, Wine or Brandy, or the Person or Persons
in whose Custody the same was seized, shall, within the said Space
of Seven Days, produce a Permit or Permits for importing the said
Rum, Spirits, Wine or Brandy, into this Province, agreeable to the
Directions of this Act, or an Affidavit of some credible Person, taken
before some Justice of the Peace in this Province, that the same
had been legally imported into this Province, or distilled within the
same, then, in such Case, the said Person or Persons who seized the
same, shall redeliver the said Rum, Spirits, Wine or Brandy, to the
Owner or Owners, or Person or Persons in whose Custody the
same was seized, on receiving back such Sum or Sums of Money
as the Person making such Seizure shall have expended in removing,
lodging, and securing the same.
Liber H. S.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That if
any Naval-Officer, Sheriff, Deputy-Sheriff, or Constable, shall be
informed by any credible Person, or have good Reason to suspect,
that any Rum, Spirits, Wine or Brandy, has been imported into this
Province by Land from Pennsylvania, or the Counties of New-
Castle, Kent and Sussex, or the reputed Limits of the said Province
or Counties, contrary to the Intention and Direction of this Act, such
Naval-Officer, Sheriff, Deputy-Sheriff, or Constable, are hereby
may enter
authorized and required to enter at any Time between the Rising
and Setting of the Sun, into any Ship or Ships, Sloop or Sloops,
Boat or Boats, Vessel or Vessels, House or Houses, Vault or Vaults,
Cellar or Cellars, or other suspected Places, to search for such Rum,
Spirits, Wine or Brandy, and to seize the same, together with the
Cask or Casks, or other Vessel, which contain the same (unless the
Owner or Owners of such Rum, Spirits, Wine, or Brandy, or the
Person or Persons in whose Custody the same is seized, shall imme-
diately produce a Permit or Permits for importing the same, agree-
able to the Directions of this Act); and the same Rum, Spirits, Wine
or Brandy, so seized, to carry and lodge in some secure Place, for the
Space of Seven Days after such Seizure; and if the Owner or Owners
of such Rum, Spirits, Wine or Brandy, or the Person or Persons in
whose Custody the same was seized, shall, within the said Space of
Seven Days, produce a Permit or Permits for importing the said
Rum, Spirits, Wine or Brandy, into this Province, agreeable to the
Directions of this Act, or on Affidavit of some credible Person,
taken before some Justice of the Peace within this Province, that the
same had been legally imported into this Province, or distilled within
this Province, then, and in such Case, the Person or Persons who
seized the same, shall deliver the said Rum, Spirits, Wine or Brandy,
to the Owner or Owners, or Person or Persons in whose Custody
the same was seized, on receiving back such Sum or Sums of Money,
as the Person making such Seizure shall have expended in removing,
lodging, and securing the same.
p. 367