Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-eight, be imported into this
Province by Land from the Province of Pennsylvania, or the Three
Lower Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex, or the reputed
Liber H. S.
No. 1
Limits of the said Province or Counties, before he imports the same,
shall over and above the said Duty of Three Pence per Gallon, pay
to the Naval-Officer or Sheriff, into or through whose District or
County the same shall be intended to be first imported, the Sum of
Four Pence, by Way of Excise, for every Gallon of Rum, Spirits,
or Brandy, and the Sum of Six Pence, by Way of Excise, for every
p. 365
Gallon of Wine so intended to be imported, or give good Security
for the Payment of the same at the End of Three Months after the
obtaining a Permit or Permits to import the same, to be applied to
the Sinking the Sum of Forty Thousand Pounds granted by the
Act aforesaid.
[6d. per
Gallon for
And be it further Enacted, That the Naval-Officer or Sheriff, with
whom such Entry shall be made, at the Time of such Entry, and the
Payment of the Duty on and Excise as aforesaid, are hereby im-
powered and required to give to the Person or Persons making
such Entry, a Permit, or as many as shall be required, provided
that the said Permits, so required, do not altogether contain a larger
Quantity of Gallons than shall be Entered, and Duty, or Duty and
Excise, paid for as aforesaid, to import into this Province, from
Pennsylvania, or the Three Lower Counties of New-Castle, Kent
and Sussex, so much Rum, Spirits, Wine or Brandy, as he, she or
they, shall have paid the Duty, or Duty and Excise for as aforesaid ;
for each of which Permits there shall be paid to the said Naval
Officer or Sheriff, the Sum of Three Pence Current Money, and
no more; which Permit or Permits shall authorize the Person or
Persons, to whom the same shall be given, to import the Quantity
or Quantities of Rum, Spirits, Wine or Brandy, in the said Permit or
Permits mentioned, into this Province, at any Time within Twenty
[Permits to
be granted,
and stand
good for 10
Days only.]
Days after the Date of the said Permit or Permits, and not after.
And that the Naval-Officer or Sheriff shall, when and as often as he
grants a Permit or Permits as aforesaid, administer an Oath, or
Affirmation if a Quaker, to the Person or Persons to whom the said
Permit or Permits shall be delivered, that he, she or they, shall or
will not make use of the said Permit or Permits, or suffer or allow
the same to be used, to a double Purpose, or for the covering or
importing any more Rum, Spirits, Wine or Brandy, than the said
Permit or Permits allow.
[Oath to be
made at the
Time of
taking the
And be it further Enacted, That whosoever shall presume to make
use of any Permit or Permits, so aforesaid granted, or willingly suffer
or allow the same to be used for a double Purpose, or for covering
or importing more Rum, Spirits, Wine or Brandy, than is contained
in the said Permit or Permits, shall forfeit and pay for every such
Offence, the Sum of Ten Pounds Current Money; one Half thereof
[Penalty of
10l. for using
Permits for
a double