Acts. 693
and Sussex, or to utter or tender the same in Payment within
this Province, knowing them to be such.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
Whereas divers evil-minded Persons have Counterfeited the Bills
of Credit of this Province, and have tendered the same in Payments
in the neighbouring Province of Pennsylvania: And whereas such
Persons may hereafter presume to Forge or Counterfeit the Bills of
Credit of the Colony of Virginia, or of the Provinces of Pennsyl-
vania, New- York, East and West Jerseys, and the Three Lower
Counties on Delaware, called New-Castle, Kent and Sussex, and
emit or tender the same in Payments within this Province, to the
Prejudice of the good People thereof, and the Credit of the same
Currency. In order therefore to prevent the Evils to Society, which
may arise from such Practices, it is prayed that it may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That if any Person or Persons within this Province, shall,
after the End of this Session of Assembly, Forge or Counterfeit
any Bill or Bills of Credit, appointed to be Current by any Acts of
Assembly of the Colony of Virginia, or of the Provinces of Penn-
sylvania, New-York, East or West Jerseys, or the Three Lower
Counties on Delaware, called New-Castle, Kent and Sussex, or utter
or tender the same in Payment within this Province, knowing the
same to be such, and be thereof Convict by due Course of Law, shall,
for such Offence, be set in the Pillory, and have one of his or her
Ears cut off, and suffer Six Months Imprisonment, without Bail or
for Counter-
feiting Bills
of other
This Act to continue for Three Years, and unto the End of the
next Session of Assembly which shall happen after the Expiration
of the said Three Years.
27.th April 1758 On behalf of the Right 27.th April 1758
Read and assented to Honourable the Lord Read and assented to
by the Lower house of Proprietary of this Prov- by the Upper House of
Assembly ince I will this be a Law Assembly
Signed p order Hor.o Sharpe Signed p order
MMacnemara Cl lo ho JRoss Cl Up Ho
| The Great Seal |
| in Wax app.t |
No. 4 An Act relating to Guardians and Orphans.
Whereas Disputes have arisen, and may arise, between Guardians
and their Wards in Respect of their Right or Title to Lands, Tene-
ments, or Hereditaments, the Possession whereof the said Guardians
have obtained, or may obtain, in Right of their Wards : For Remedy
p. 360