Acts. 691
And be it further Enacted, That the said Agents shall pay to
William Cromwell, Conductor to the said Party of Indians, the Sum
of Thirty-six Pounds Nine Shillings and Nine Pence, for his Care,
Trouble, and Expence, in Conducting them from Fort Frederick to
Annapolis: And shall pay to Richard Smith the Sum of Twenty
Pounds, for his Attendance as Interpreter to all the said Indians,
from the Time of their first coming to the Frontiers of this Province :
And shall pay unto Catharine Jennings the Sum of Forty Pounds,
for the Maintainance of the said Indians, and Expences of the In-
terpreter and Conductor, since their coming to the City of Annapolis ;
and the said Agents shall also pay the reasonable Expences of the
Return of the said Indians, Interpreter and Conductor, from An-
napolis to Fort Frederick.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
p. 357
[Pay to the
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
said Agents shall lay Accounts of all the Monies they shall lay out,
pay, and apply, in Virtue of this Act, upon Oath, before the General
Assembly of this Province, at the Session next after the same shall
be so Paid, Laid out, and Applied, on the Third Day thereof, under
the like Penalty as by the aforementioned Act is to be imposed upon
them in case of Non-oer formance of their Dutv under the said Act.
[Agents to
with the
31st March 1758
Read and assented to
by the Lower house of
Signed p order
MMacnemara Cl lo ho
On behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I will this be a Law
Hor.o Sharpe
31st March 1758
Read and assented to
By the Upper house of
Signed p order
JRoss Cl Up Ho
| The Great Seal
| in Wax append.t |
No. 2 An aiding Supplementary Act to an Act, entituled, A Supplementary
Act to an Act, entituled, An Act to enable the Justices of Baltimore
County Court, to assess and levy on the taxable Inhabitants of
St. George's Parish in that County, a Sum of Money for the Uses
therein mentioned.
Whereas the Rector and Vestrymen of St. George's Parish in
Baltimore County, by their Petition to this General Assembly, have
set forth, That the Act, entituled, A Supplementary Act to an Act,
entituled, An Act to enable the Justices of Baltimore County Court,
to assess and levy on the taxable Inhabitants of St. George's Parish
in that County, a Sum of Money for the Uses therein mentioned,
made and passed at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the
City of Annapolis the Twenty-eighth Day of September, Anno
Domini Seventeen Hundred and Fifty-seven, did not come timely
to the Justices of the said County, to make the Assessment by the
said Act directed to be made on the Inhabitants of the said Parish ;
p. 358