688 Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 28-May 13, 1758.
Liber No. 50
May 13
Were Present,
Benjamin Tasker, junior,
Robert Jenckins Henry, Esqrs. Members of the
and Upper House.
Daniel Dulany,
Col. Edward Tilghman,
Mr. Matthew Tilghman,
Mr. Robert Lloyd, Members of the Lower
Mr. William Murdock, House,
Mr. Charles Carroll,
Who make Choice of the Honourable Benjamin Tasker, junior,
Esq; Chairman; and Basil Dorsey, junior, Clerk.
The Conferees adjourned till Three o'Clock Post-Meridiem, and
met according to Adjournment.
[This Conference report of the Committee of the two houses is
printed in full in the Upper House Journal, pp. 542-543.]
On Motion, Ordered, That the following be entered on the Journal,
as the Resolve of this House, viz.
p. 227
p. 228
This House taking into Consideration the Proceedings of this
Sessions upon the Bill, entituled, An Act for Granting a Supply of
£45,000 for his Majesty's Service, and the more immediate Defence
and Security of the Frontier Inhabitants of this Province, and Emit-
ting £35,000 thereof in Bills of Credit, and Raising a Fund for sink-
ing and replacing the Whole, by an equal Assessment on all Estates,
Real and Personal, and Lucrative Offices and Employments, and
apprehending the same to be Irregular, and not altogether consistent
with their Rights, Do Resolve, That being earnestly desirous, at this
important Crisis, to do every Thing that could be reasonably expected
from them, for his Majesty's Service and their own Security, they
have been induced to proceed in a Manner not strictly agreeable to
Parliamentary Mode of Proceeding; and that therefore no Irregu-
larity of Proceeding, Concessions, or Consideration whatsoever, had
or made in Relation to that Bill, ought hereafter, by any Branch of
the Legislature, to be drawn into, or insisted upon, as a Precedent.
Ordered, That Mr. Goldsborough and Mr. Edward Gantt do
acquaint his Excellency the Governor, That no Public Business lies
now before this House to transact.
Samuel Chamberlaine, Esq; and Col. Edward Lloyd, from the
Upper House, acquaint Mr. Speaker, That the Governor requires the
Attendance of the Lower House immediately in the Council Chamber.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and (with the Rest of the Members
of the Lower House) attended his Excellency in the Council Cham-
ber; and presented the following Ingrossed Bills, viz.