680 Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 28-May 13, 1758.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 50
May 9
this Session, and of the Hopes you were pleased to give me by your
Address of the 17th of April, that you would not disappoint the
Officers and Soldiers who are now on our Frontiers in their reason-
able Expectations; but that you would grant a Sum of Money at
this Time to pay off the Arrears that are due to them, and to Support
them at least till the End of the ensuing Campaign. I would have you
consider seriously what a Light your Conduct must appear in to his
Majesty and to the World, should you alone, of all his Subjects,
decline to contribute to the Execution of the Plan that has been laid
for the Security of these Colonies; and what Inconveniencies many
of your Constituents may be put to, by being obliged to March as
Militia to the Assistance of the Frontier Inhabitants, in Case a suffi-
p. 216
cient Number of Soldiers are not kept up at the Expence of this
Province for their Security and Protection. And if you are really
desirous of a Place among his Majesty's dutiful and loyal Subjects,
or if you have any Regard for the Ease, Welfare and Security of
the People you Represent, you will not, I hope, desire to be dismissed
before you have complied with his Majesty's Pleasure, signified to
us by the Secretary of State's Letter.
Hor.o Sharpe.
9th of May, 1758.
On Reading the second Time the said Message, Resolved, That
an Address to his Excellency be prepared, in Answer thereto.
Ordered, That Col. Tilghman, Mr. Matthew Tilglman, Mr. Mur-
dock, Mr. Hammond, and Mr. Carroll, do prepare and bring in
such Address.
The House adjourns till the Morrow Morning at 8 of the Clock.
May 10
Wednesday, May 10, 1758.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday, except Mr. John Hammond
Dorsey, Major Handy, and Mr. Harris. The Proceedings were
Mr. Murdock brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, an Address
to his Excellency the Governor; which was Read, and ordered to
lie on the Table.
On Reading the second Time the said Address, the Question was
put, That the House do approve thereof. Resolved in the Affirmative.
For the Affirmative,
Reeder, M. Tilghman, Murdock,
Williamson, Sulivane, Fraser,
Hynson, Lecompte, T. Gantt,
Hammond, Govane, King,