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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758
Volume 55, Page 68   View pdf image (33K)
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68 Assembly Proceedings, April 8-May9p, 1757.

L. H. J.

Liber No. 48
April 22

the desired Effect, and have, in a Bill for his Majesty's Service,
now before the Upper House, made a Provision of the like Nature.
As the Framing a Bill, for Furnishing Quarters for such of his
Majesty's Troops as may be Ordered to this Province (which, if
your Excellency would be favourably pleased timely to make our
Circumstances known to his Majesty's Commander in Chief, we pre-
sume would he but few), in a Maryland which may be agreeable to the

Troops, and at the same Time not too Distressing to the Inhabitants,
is a Matter that appears to us to require much Deliberation and At-
tention; and as for taking into Consideration the general Welfare of
the Community, we humbly presume it may be thought expedient,
that at a convenient Time, after the contagious Distemper, at present
Raging there, is over, there should be a Meeting of the General As-
sembly at Annapolis (the only proper Place in our Opinion, agreeable
to the Form of our Constitution), where Recourse may be had to
the Public Offices, Papers, and Records, Laws and Statutes, without
the Expence of Transcripts and Delay of Messengers, which must
unavoidably attend our Proceedings here; and as such Meeting may
conveniently be full Time enough for making the necessary Provision
for Furnishing such Quarters, we cannot doubt we shall stand
excused for not entering upon that important Affair, at a Place so
inconvenient as the present.
Which was Read and Assented to, and Signed, by Order of the
House, by the Honourable Speaker.
Ordered, That Mr. Earle and Mr. Mackall do acquaint his Ex-
cellency, That this House hath prepared an Address, to be presented
to him, and desires to know when and where he will please to receive
it: They return and acquaint Mr. Speaker, That the Governor was
pleased to signify, he would be ready to receive the Address imme-
diately in the Council Chamber.
Ordered, That Col. Tilghman, and Three more, do present the

p. 397

The Bill entituled, An Act for Leasing out Part of the Prison
Land in Dorchester County, was Read the second Time, and will
Which said Bill, and the Bill, entituled, An Act for Relief of
sundry Inhabitants of Allhallows Parish, in Worcester County; and
the following Reviving Bills, viz.t
The Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled, An Act
for the Advancement of Justice.
The Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled, An Act
for Relieving the Inhabitants of this Province from some Aggriev-
ances in the Prosecution of Suits at Law, &c.
The Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled, An Act
to Remedy some Evils relating to Servants.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758
Volume 55, Page 68   View pdf image (33K)
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