670 Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 28-May 13, 1758.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 50
May 8
jects, and which must, in the End, be destructive of their common
Resolved in the Affirmative.
For the Affirmative,
Reeder, M. Tilghman, Woodward,
Sothoron, Sulivane, Murdock,
Williamson, Lecompte, Fraser,
Hynson, Govane, T. Gantt,
Hammond, J. H. Dorsey, King,
Gassaway, Cockey Deye, Lloyd,
Carroll, Owings, E. Tilghman,
Worthington, Hyland, Bracco,
J. J. Mackall, Earle, Chapline,
E. Gantt, Baker, Beatty.
Hanson, Ward, [32]
For the Negative,
Waggaman, Dulany, Harris.
Wilson, Edmondson,
Oldham, Handy, [7]
The Question was put, That the following be made and entered
as the Resolve of this House, viz.
Resolved, That the said Part of his Excellency's Message, so far
as it was intended to serve the Purpose abovementioned, appears to
be a Violation of the Liberty and Freedom that ought to be preserved
in all the Proceedings and Determinations of this House.
Resolved in the Affirmative.
p. 189
For the Affirmative,
Reeder, M. Tilghman, Murdock,
Sothoron, Sulivane, Woodward,
Williamson, Lecompte, Fraser,
Hynson, Govane, T. Gantt,
Hammond, J. H. Dorsey, King,
Gassaway, Cockey Deye. Lloyd,
Carroll, Owings, E. Tilghman,
Worthington, Hyland, Bracco,
J. J. Mackall, Earle, Harris,
E. Gantt, Baker, Chapline,
Hanson, Ward, Beatty. [33]
For the Negative,
Waggaman, Edmondson, Dulany,
Wilson, Oldham, Handy. [6]