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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758
Volume 55, Page 661   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 661

vania in three different Places, and cut off or carried into Captivity
a very considerable Number of those unhappy People.
Should the Issue of this Session be such as I most earnestly hope
it will, I shall immediately Countermand the Orders that have been
sent to Captain Brome and to the Captain of a Company of Militia
in Caecil County; but if you should unhappily break up again, without
making Provision for the Support of any Troops, either to act under
the Command of Brigadier Forbes, or to be left on our Frontiers, I
apprehend the Gentlemen of the Council will think it absolutely
necessary that Two or Three Companies of Militia should imme-
diately March, lest upon our Troops Disbanding themselves (as they
then undoubtedly will, though no Member of your House shall advise
them to do so) the Frontier Inhabitants should in Despair abandon

L. H. J.
Liber No. 50

May 5

their Plantations, or fall an easy Prey to their Savage and Cruel
Enemies. I assure you, Gentlemen, that nothing could give me
greater Uneasiness than to find myself obliged to take a Step which
must necessarily put many of the People of this Province to Incon-
veniencies, and that it will not be because I have less Compassion for
those whose Lot it may be to march, than yourselves, if I should
issue fresh Orders, but because I think myself answerable for the
Lives of the People committed to my Care, and that it is my indis-
pensable Duty to use every legal Means in my Power for their
Defence. I flatter myself that when the People consider this, they
will chear fully submit to the unavoidable Inconveniencies they may
be put to, which however it shall be my study to render as light as
possible: And as there will not be any Necessity for my Meeting
you again before Winter, unless some very unlucky or extraordinary
Accident should happen, I shall, in case Nothing be done, immediately
after the Conclusion of the Session, repair to the Frontiers in order
to take Command of the Militia that may be Ordered thither; if
there are any Gentlemen among you, especially of Caecil, Kent, or
Calvert Counties, whose private Affairs or Interest will receive no
great Detriment from their being absent a Month or two from
Home, I shall be extremely glad of their Company, because I am
persuaded, their Presence on the Frontiers will have a good Effect on
the Militia that might be Ordered from their respective Counties ;
but if this is a Favour that I must not expect, I hope they will at least
not discourage nor dissuade any from going, that may be inclined to
accompany me, or, that I may, by Advice of the Council, require to
march and serve in Arms for the necessary and immediate Defence
of their Country.

Hor.o Sharpe.
May 5, 1758.

The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock.
Post-Meridiem. The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Col. Tasker, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker, the
Bill, entituled, A Supplementary Act to the Act, entituled, An Act

p. 179

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758
Volume 55, Page 661   View pdf image (33K)
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