L. H. J.
Liber No. 50
Mar. 31
their Interpreter and Conductor; which was Read and Assented to,
and sent to the Upper House, with the Paper Bill, by Mr. Dorsey
and Major Hynson.
His Excellency the Governor communicated to Mr. Speaker, the
following Message, viz.
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
I am glad to find by the first of your Yesterday's Addresses, that
the Instances of his Majesty's paternal Care for us, mentioned in the
Letter that I laid before you, a due Sense of the Interest this Province
hath in the Event of the ensuing Campaign, and the King's gracious
Promise to recommend it to Parliament, to grant a proper Compen-
sation for the Expences that his good Subjects in these Colonies
may be put to this Summer by an extraordinary Exertion of their
Force, have made a suitable Impression on you; and I return you
Thanks for the Assurance you are pleased to give me, that, with the
greatest Chear fulness, you will do every Thing that can be reasonably
expected from you, as Representatives of the People of Maryland.
Though I did not think it necessary to mention it in my Speech at
the Opening of this Session, yet it was not without Pleasure that I
read that Part of Mr. Secretary Pitt's Letter, where he seems to
recommend it to the several Governors to give Commissions to such
Gentlemen of their respective Provinces, as from their Weight and
Credit with the People, and their Zeal for the Public Service, may
be best disposed and enabled to quicken and effectuate the speedy
Levying of a Number of Men; because it is a Measure, which (as
you know) I have hitherto taken when Men have been wanted in this
Province, and indeed it has not hitherto failed of having the desired
Effect : Besides I always thought that those Persons were most likely
to behave well in Defence of their Country, whose Interest in it was
considerable, their Friends and Relations numerous; and the Com-
mendation that Brigadier General Stanwyx (who had the immediate
p. 16
Command of the Maryland Forces last Summer) was pleased to give
the Officers to the Earl of Loudoun and Myself, confirms me in that
Hor.o Sharpe.
On Motion, Resolved, That the Sum of £40,000 be raised for his
Majesty's Service, and for the immediate Protection and Defence
of this Province.
Col. Tasker, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker, a
Petition of sundry Waggoners; Indorsed, " By the Upper House of
Assembly; Referred to the Consideration of the Lower House of
Assembly; " which Petition was Read here, and Ordered to lie on the
On Motion, the Question was put, That the Sum of £40,000 be
raised for his Majesty's Service, and the more immediate Defence