[And also the following Report]
At a Committee of both Houses of Assembly appointed to inspect
the Office & Proceedings of the Commissioners for emitting Bills of
Credit established by Act of Assembly
Were present
The honourable Samuel Chamberlaine Esq : of the Upper House.
Mess.rs Walter Dulany, Michael Earle, Rob.t Lloyd, John Bracco,
Alexander Williamson, Matthew Tilghman, Brice T. Beal Worthing-
ton & John Hanson of the Lower House.
Who make Choice of, and appoint the honourable Samuel Cham-
berlaine Esq : Chairman and Richard Dorsey their Clerk.
Your Committee having inspected and examined the several Ac-
counts of the said Office relating to the Payments, Impositions, and
Duties directed to be paid & imposed by an Act entitled, An Act for
granting a Supply of £40000 : for his Majesty's Service and striking
£34,015.6.0: thereof in Bills of Credit and raising a Fund for
sinking the same do find that there remains in the Iron Chest N.o 2.
a Ballance of £8429.19.3 1/8. as will appear by the following Account
£3670.10.0. whereof is appropriated to the Payment for Indian
Scalps and Prisoners £2. of other Appropriations unexpended, &
£4757.9.. 3 1/8 to be applied towards replacing the Sum of £5984.14.0:
by the aforesaid Art to be paid out.
U. H. J.
Liber No. 35
May 8