Licences the Sum of £147.12.8!. That there remains due for Money
taken out of the Office by the Act for his Majesty's Service past
in July 1754. which is to be replaced by the additional Sum of twenty
Shillings on Ordinary Licences, the Duty on Servants, Madeira
Wine, Wheel Carriages, Pedlar's Licences, and the additional Duty
on Negroes £2055.7.9 1/4 : and that there remains also due for Money
taken out by the Act entitled, A supplementary Act to the Act for
the speedy & effectual Publication of the Laws of this Province, and
for the Encouragement of Jonas Green of the City of Annapolis
Printer, which was to be replaced by a proportionable Assessment on
the several Counties of this Province the Sum of £70.10.0: as p.
the following Accounts.
D.r The Public by the Act for purchasing Provisions for his
Majesty's Forces on the Canada Expedition
£ s d
To Ballance as p Report in September Session 1756 785.. 3.. 7.