L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
April 13
Mr. Carroll brings in and delivers Mr. Speaker, the following
Ingrossed Address, Viz.t
To his Excellency Horatio Sharpe, Fsq ;r Governor and Commander
in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland :
The humble Address of the House of Delegates.
May it please your Excellency
In the Minutes of a Plan, formed for the better Defence of his
Majesty's Dominions in North-America, and for Annoying his
Majesty's Enemies, which you was pleased, at the Opening of this
Session, to lay before us, we find the following Paragraph: "And it
is further agreed, That we the Governors shall, in our respective
Provinces, take particular Care to form such Regulations, and to
see them properly executed, that in all Time coming, Carriages for
Transporting the Baggage of his Majesty's Troops, shall be prepared
at stated reasonable Rates; and that all the Troops, of whatever
Denomination, either passing through our Provinces, or while in
fixed Quarters therein, shall, in Time of Peace, be properly Quar-
tered; and in Time of War, whatever Number of Troops the Com-
mander in Chief may judge necessary for Defence, or carrying on
the general Service, shall be Quartered according to Custom, or the
Exigencies of Service." Now, May it please your Excellency, As
we do not know of any Statute of England, or any Law of this
Province, that impowers you, as Governor thereof, to form such
Regulations as are above specified, or any Law, Statute, or Custom,
for Quartering Troops of any Denomination whatever within this
Province, either in Time of Peace or War, and as we cannot presume
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your Excellency would, without some Law, Statute, or Custom, to
authorize it, enter into such Agreement as is abovementioned, we
therefore most humbly Request the Favour of you to lay before
us the Law or Statute, or inform us of the Custom by which you
are Vested with such Authority.
Which was Read and Assented to, and Signed, by Order of the
House, by the Honourable Speaker.
Ordered, That Capt. Jenifer and Mr. Gale do acquaint his Ex-
cellency, That this House hath prepared and Address, to be pre-
sented to him, and desires to know when and where he will please
to receive it: They return and acquaint Mr. Speaker, That the
Governor was pleased to signify he would be ready to receive the
Address immediately at his House.
Ordered, That Mr. Loyd, with Three more, do present the Address
to his Excellency.
The House adjourns until the Morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.