At a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis
on Tuesday the twenty eighth Day of March in the seventh Year
of his Lordship's Dominion Annoque Domini 1758:
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esq. Governor.
U. H. J.
Liber No. 35
Mar. 28
p. 253
Mess.rs Goldsborough and Plater from the Lower House acquaint
his Excellency that there is a sufficient Number of Members met to
make a House and wait his Excellency's Commands.
Colo : Hammond and Samuel Chamberlaine Esq.r are sent to
acquaint the Lower House that his Excellency requires their At-
tendance in the Upper House immediately.
The Lower House attend and his Excellency is pleased to make
the following Speech.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly
I meet you at this Time in Obedience to a Letter that I have
received from the Right honourable William Pitt Esq.r one of his
Majesty's principal Secretaries of State the Substance of which is,
that his Majesty having Nothing more at Heart than to repair the
Losses and Disappointments of the last Campaign, and by the most
vigorous and extensive Efforts, to avert by the Blessing of God on
his Arms, the Dangers impending on North America, and trusting
that all his faithful and brave Subjects here will chearfully cooperate
with, and second to the utmost the extraordinary Succours supplied
by his Kingdom of Great Britain for our Preservation and Defence
hath commanded circular Letters to be sent to the several Governors
on the Continent requiring them to convene their respective Assem-
blies without Delay and to press them to raise with the utmost Dis-
patch as large a Body of Men as the Number and Circumstances of