436 Assembly Proceedings, Feb.13-Mar. 9, 1758.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 49
Feb. 17
On Motion, the Question was put, Whether the Sum of f 20,000
be raised by an equal Assessment on real and personal Estates within
this Province, and on all lucrative Offices and Employments, to be
appropriated for a Supply for his Majesty's Service, and the more
immediate Protection of the Frontier Inhabitants thereof, or Not?
Resolved in the Affirmative.
For the Affirmative,
Reeder, Stoddert, King,
Sothoron, Wilson, Lloyd,
Williamson, M. Tilghman, E. Tilghman,
Hynson, Gray Bracco,
Carroll, Govane, Sudler,
Worthington, Cockey Deye, Chapline,
Reynolds, Owings, E. Dorsey,
E. Gantt, Woodward, Beatty,
Hanson, Murdock, Cresap.
Lee, Fraser,
Dent, T. Gantt, 31
For the Negative,
Goldsborough, Henry, Harris.
Dulany, 4
On Motion, Resolved, That a Bill be prepared and brought in, for
raising the Sum of £20,000 by an equal Assessment on real and
personal Estates within this Province, and on all lucrative Offices
and Employments, to be appropriated for a Supply for his Majesty's
Service, and the more immediate Protection of the Frontier Inhabi-
tants thereof;
Ordered, That Col. Tilghman, Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Mur-
dock, Mr. Matthew Tilghman, Mr. Carroll, and Mr. Wilson, do
prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly.
On Motion, Resolved, That Provision be made by the said Bill
for paying the Charges of Quartering his Majesty's Forces within
this Province.
On Motion, Leave given, to bring in a Bill for reducing the Allow-
ances of the Members of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
and the Provincial and County Magistrates ;
Ordered, That Mr. Bracco, Mr. Matthew Tilghman, Mr. William-
son, Mr. Murdock, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Dulany, and Mr. Hanson, do
prepare and bring in such Bill.
On Motion, Leave given, to bring in a Bill for securing the Estates
of Purchasers, claiming by or from Aliens ;