The Lower House. 425
For Somerset County, For Worcester County,
Mr. Samuel Wilson. Col. John Henry.
Liber No. 49
Feb. 13
For Talbot County, For Frederick County,
Mr. John Goldsborough, Mr. Edward Dorsey.
Mr. Matthew Tilghman.
A sufficient Number of Delegates to compose a Lower House of
Assembly, being convened at the Stadt-House; Ordered, That Col.
John Henry and Mr. Plater do acquaint his Excellency the Governor
therewith : They return and acquaint Mr. Speaker, that they delivered
the Message.
Col. Hammond, and Samuel Chamberlaine, Esq; from the Upper
House, acquaint Mr. Speaker, That the Governor requires the At-
tendance of the Members of the Lower House of Assembly imme-
diately in the Upper House.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and (with the other Members of the
Lower House) went to the Upper House; where the Governor
made a Speech; a Copy of which he delivered to Mr. Speaker in
Writing, and also a Copy of a Letter from the Earl of Loudoun,
which was directed to the Governor.
Mr. Speaker (with the other Members) Returned to the Lower
House, and Re-assumed the Chair.
Ordered, That his Excellency the Governor's Speech be read by
the Clerk; which was accordingly contained in the following Words,
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
[This Speech Printed in full in Upper House Journal p. 411]
Ordered, That the Governor's Speech do lie on the Table.
Ordered, That the Earl of Loudoun's Letter be read by the Clerk;
which was accordingly contained in the following Words, viz.
New York, December 30, 1757.
I had this Day the Favour of your Letter by Express, with the
Bill prepared by the Lower House, and the Address, from both
Houses to you.
As I had seen an Extract of the military Part of that Bill before, I
am ready to give my Sentiments on it; and am clearly of Opinion,
that had it passed into a Law of the Province, it would have been a
direct Infringement of the King's undoubted Prerogative, and as
such was very wisely rejected by the Upper House; at the same
Time I am willing to believe, that the Assembly had not considered
p. 237