XII. And for the better collecting and paying the several Forfei-
tures that shall arise and become due, by Means of this Act; Be it
further Enacted, That every Justice, before whom any such Con-
viction shall be as aforesaid, shall, upon Receipt of one Half of such
Forfeiture, forthwith pay the same to the Sheriff of the County
where such Offence shall be committed, and shall also, and is hereby
directed, at the November Court of his respective County, yearly, to
deliver to the Clerk of such County, an Account of every such Con-
viction, Receipt and Payment, on Pain of forfeiting, for every Neg-
lect thereof, the Sum of Ten Pounds Current Money; to be recovered
with Costs in the County Court were such Offence shall be committed,
by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Indictment or Information, wherein
no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law shall be allowed, or more
than one Imparlance, and applied as herein before directed. And
that the Clerk of every Court, before whom any Recovery shall be
had, of any Forfeiture by Means of this Act, or to whom any Justice
of the Peace shall deliver such Account as aforesaid, shall, and is
hereby required, by the Twenty-Fifth Day of December yearly, to
transmit to the Commissioners aforesaid, a true List and Account
of all and every such Forfeitures so recovered in his County as afore-
said : And that every Sheriff who shall receive any such Forfeitures
or Fines, shall, and is hereby directed to pay the same to the Com-
missioners or Trustees aforesaid, by the Twenty-Fifth Day of De-
cember, yearly. Provided always, That if any Justice, or Constable,
shall be sued or prosecuted, for any Thing done in pursuance of this
Act, he or they may plead the General Issue, and give this Act, and
Liber H. S.
No. 1
[Justices to
account at
the special Matter in Evidence, for their Justification, and if the
Plaintiff or Prosecutor become nonsuit, or forbear Prosecution, or
suffer Discontinuance, or if a Verdict pass against him in such Action,
Suit or Information, the Defendant shall have and be allowed treble
Costs; to be recovered as in Case where Costs by Law are given to
p. 353
XIV. Provided always, That nothing in this Act contained, shall
debar or hinder any Person or Persons, or his or their Agents, Clerks,
or other Managers within this Province, to sell or dispose of any such
strong or spirituous Liquors, to Tradesmen, Labourers or others,
hired or employed by such Person or Persons, or his or their Agents,
Clerks or Managers.