licenced Ordinary-Keeper to sell, or dispose of, after Sun-set, at the
Time and Place of Horse Racing as aforesaid, any such strong or
spirituous Liquors, or mixed Drink, on Pain of forfeiting, for every
such Offence, the Sum of Five Pounds Current Money; to be recov-
ered, with Costs, in the County Court where the Offence shall be
committed, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Indictment or Informa-
tion, wherein no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law shall be al-
lowed, or more than one Imparlance, and applied as herein after
Liber H. S.
No. 1
[None to be
sold after
p. 351
VII. And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That
it shall not be lawful for any Master or Commander, or any other
Officer, Skipper or Sailor, belonging to any Ship, Sloop, or other
Vessel within this Province, to sell (except to Sailors belonging to,
or Persons employed to labour on board any such Ship, Sloop, or other
Vessel), any Wine, Rum, Cyder, Brandy, or other spirituous Liquors,
or any mixed Drink, in which is contained any such spirituous Liquor,
and suffer the same to be drank in such Vessel, under the Penalty of
Thirty Shillings Current Money, for every Quantity of such Liquors,
or mixed Drink, in which is contained any such Liquors, so sold, and
suffered to be drank, as aforesaid; to be recovered before one Justice
of the Peace, as in Case of small Debts, and applied as herein after
[Penalty for
retailing on
VIII. And whereas the extensive Credit given in Ordinaries, or
Inns, within this Province, is found by Experience to be very pre-
judicial, both to the Ordinary-Keepers, or Innholders, and others the
good People of this Province: For Remedy whereof, Be it Enacted
by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Ordinary-Keeper, or Inn-
holder, within this Province, shall, after the said First Day of March
next, presume to trust or credit any Person or Persons, other than
Travellers, more or above the Sum of Ten Shillings Current Money
of this Province, he, she or they, so trusting or crediting any Person
or Persons more than the Sum of Ten Shillings, as aforesaid, for
any Sorts of strong Liquors, or other Tavern Expences, shall lose
the Debt, and thereby be disabled from ever recovering the said Debt,
or any Part thereof; and in any Action in a Court of Justice, or
Dispute before a Justice of the Peace, between any Ordinary-Keeper
or Innholder, and any Person or Persons other than Travellers, for
any Debt so as aforesaid contracted, such Court, and the Jury in any
Trial by a Jury, or Justice of the Peace, shall, by Virtue of this Act,
consider and inquire, whether any Part of such Debt, so sued for or
claimed, before such Justice of the Peace, be contracted contrary to
the true Intent and Meaning of this Act; and if it shall appear to
such Court and Jury, or Justice of the Peace, that any Part of such
Debt was contracted contrary to this Act, that then the Plaintiff shall
be nonsuit, and the Defendant recover his Cost of Suit; and that in
Case any Action or Demand shall be brought, by any Ordinary-
Keepers not
to trust
above 108.
except to