At a Session of Assembly, begun and held at the City of Annapolis,
on Wednesday the Twenty-eighth of September, in the Seventh Year
of the Dominion of the Right Honourable Frederick, Lord Baron
of Baltimore, Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon, &c. Annoque Domini 1757 and ending Friday
the 16th Day of December 1757 following.
The following Laws were Enacted and Assented to by his Excel-
lency Horatio .Sharpp, Esquire Governor.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
p. 338
No. 1
A Supplementary Act to an Act, entituled, An Act to enable the
Justices of Baltimore County Court, to assess and levy on the
taxable Inhabitants of St. George's Parish, in that County, a Sum
of Money for the Uses therein mentioned.
Whereas the Rector, Vestrymen, Church-Wardens, and Other
the Inhabitants of St. George's Parish, in Baltimore County, by
their Petition to this General Assembly, have set forth, That the
Sum of Money assessed and levied, by Virtue of the said recited Act,
is not sufficient to furnish the Church, in the said Parish, agreeable
to the Intention thereof, and therefore prayed that a farther Sum
of Five Hundred and Fifty Pounds Current Money, might be levied,
by Two equal Assessments, on the taxable Inhabitants of the said
Parish, for compleating the Church aforesaid :
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful to and for
the Justices of Baltimore County Court for the Time being, and they
are hereby directed and required, at laying their County Levy, in
November Court, this present Year, Seventeen Hundied and Fifty
Seven, and in their November Court, Seventeen Hundred and Fifty
Eight, to assess and levy, on the taxable Inhabitants of St. George's
Parish, in the said County, by Two equal Assessments, the Sum of
Five Hundred and Fifty Pounds Current Money; which said Sum,
so assessed, shall be collected by the Sheriff of Baltimore County, as
other public Dues are, and the said Money, so assessed, levied and
collected, the said Sheriff is hereby directed and required to pay to
the Rector, Vestrymen, and Church- Wardens of the aforesaid Parish,
for the Time being, or the major Part of them, to be by them applied
[£550 to be
levied in
1757, and
1758, in St.