if the Informer be a Soldier and demand a Discharge he shall be
thereupon discharged from any further Service. And Be it Enacted
by the Authority aforesaid that all the Receipts, Muster Rolls, and
Certificates which shall be returned to the Agents agreeable to this
Page 4 : L : 5, Instead of three put five.
Page 5. L : 7 : Instead of three put five.
Page 6: L: 9: After the Words, Act for, insert his Majesty's
Service, and
In the ninth Line of the last Page instead of three insert five,
leave out what follows the Word shall in the same Line to the Word
be in the last Line.
Insert the following Clauses at the End of the Bill.
And Be it further Enacted that such Parts of the Act first herein
mentioned, as relate to the granting a Sum not exceeding three
thousand Pounds, to be laid out and employed in gaining the
Assistance and cultivating the Friendship of the southern Tribes
of Indians, and defraying the Expences of two Commissioners to be
sent from this Province to treat with the same, in Conjunction with
the Commissioners of Pensilvania, Virginia, and North Carolina,
or any of them and appointing the said Commissioners, shall be and
are hereby utterly repealed and made void :
And Whereas the Officers who command the Companies that have
been already raised, and are now on the Frontiers, cannot be for
sometime apprized of the Directions given by this Act concerning
the Form and Manner of making out Muster Rolls, producing Re-
ceipts, and Certificates shall not take Place, or be deemed in Force
with respect to them, 'till the next Muster after the tenth Day of this
Instant May.
Signed p. Order J Ross : Cl. Upp : Ho :
Read the second Time the Bill, intituled, An Act for the Relief
of sundry Inhabitants of this Province who have had their Servants
enlisted into his Majesty's Service, passed and sent to the Lower
House of Assembly by Benedict Calvert Esq.r
Adjourned 'till to Morrow Morning ten of the Clock.