Liber No. 35
Dec. 14
May it please your Lordships
As from the foregoing Representation we presume your Lord-
ships must be made clearly sensible of the distressed Circumstances
his Majestys good Subjects particularly of the Province of Mary-
land already in great Measure are and must inevitably be reduced
to if the Restrictions laid upon the Trade and Commerce of the
said Province by the said Act is not speedily taken off, we therefore
humbly hope for your Lordship's Intercession on their Behalfs with
his Majesty to whom we have made humble Application on this
Occasion, entirely relying on his most gracious Favour in the Exercise
of that Authority which by the said Act he is vested with
To the Right honourable Frederick absolute Lord and Proprietary
of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of
Baltimore &c
p. 229
The humble Address of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly
May it please your Lordship
Upon Consideration of the distressed Circumstances of great
Numbers of the Inhabitants of this Province by means of the
Restrictions laid upon the Trade and Commerce thereof by an Act
of Parliament passed in the thirtieth Year of his Majesty's Reign
entituled, "An Act to prohibit for a limitted Time the Exportation
of Corn Grain Meal, Malt, Flour, Bread, Biscuit, Starch Beef,
Pork, Bacon, and other Victuals except Fish and Roots and Rice
to be exported to any Part of Europe, Southward of Cape Finis-
terre from his Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in America,
unless to Great Britain or Ireland or to some of the said Colonies
and Plantations, and to permit the Importation of Corn and Flour
into Great Britain and Ireland in neutral Ships, and to allow the
Exportation of Wheat, Barley, Oats, Meal, and Flour from Great
Britain to the Isle of Man for the Use of the Inhabitants there "
We have thought proper To make Application to his most gracious
Majesty for Relief, and to represent to the Lords Commissioners
for Trade and Plantations the Difficulties and Disadvantages your
Lordship's Tenants the good People of this Province labour under
by Means of those Restrictions; We must therefore hoping that
your Lordship would willingly embrace every Oportunity of pro-
moting the Ease and Prosperity of your Tenants humbly request
you will be favourably pleased to present our Petition for that
Purpose to his most sacred Majesty and to lay our Representation
before their Lordships
Read the first and second Time by especial Order the Bill pro-
posed in this House, intitled, A supplementary Act to the Act,
entituled, An Act for his Majesty's Service, and further Defence
and Security of the Province, and will pass, and sent to the Lower
House by Col : Benjamin Tasker
Adjourned 'till to Morrow Morning 10. o' the Clock