Petition to his Majesty, and lay the said Representation before the
Lords Commissioners, and taken the Freedom to send them herewith
to your Excellency, hoping you will be pleased to transmit them to his
To the King's most excellent Majesty.
The humble Petition of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly
of the Province of Maryland
Most gracious Sovereign
Highly sensible of your Majesty's Royal Favour, and Benificence
ever extended even to the most remote of your Subjects we with
all Humility lay before your Majesty the Distresses which your
dutiful, and loyal Subjects of the Province of Maryland are, and
must continue to be labouring under by the Restrictions laid upon
the Trade, and Commerce of your Plantations, and Colonies in
America by an Act of Parliament passed in the thirtieth Year of
your Majesty's most happy Reign, for prohibiting the Exportation
of Grain and other Provisions from your Majesty's Colonies, and
Plantations in America, unless to Great Britain, or Ireland
We humbly crave Leave to express our Fears that your Majesty's
Subjects of this Province must unavoidably be rendered unable to
support themselves, and Families, and at the same Time pay the
heavy Taxes which have been and annually must be imposed on
them for his Majesty's Service, and their own Defence and Security
during the Continuance of the present War unless by your Majesty's
Royal Favour graciously relieved from the Disadvantages and Diffi-
culties occasioned by those Restrictions and the great and irreparable
Liber No. 35
Dec. 14
Losses they must sustain thereby, a full and clear Representation
whereof we have transmitted to the Lords Commissioners for Trade
and Plantations, requesting their Lordship's to lay it before your
We most humbly beseech your Majesty to take into your Royal
Consideration the distressed Circumstances of your dutiful and loyal
Subjects, in your Plantations and Colonies in America under the
Restrictions laid upon their Commerce by the above mentioned Act
in full and humble Confidence that your Majesty will be graciously
pleased to exercise the Power which the Legislature has placed in
you to the Relief of the good People of this Province in such manner
as may be most agreeable to your Royal Will and Pleasure
To the Right honourable the Lords Commissioners of Trade, and
the Plantations
The humble Representation of the Upper and Lower Houses of
May it please your Lordships
We humbly beg Leave to represent to your Lordships that the
Lands in many Parts of the said Province being of a Nature improper
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