Defence, still unhappily subsists we shall readily agree to the neces-
sary Means of continuing them in the Service of this Province, and
shall chear fully embrace every opportunity of manifesting our Zeal
for his Majesty's Service by making a suitable Provision for the
Reception of his Troops which shall be sent hither for Winter
Quarters. Experience has given us a sufficient Assurance of your
Excellency's Disposition to promote the Welfare and Security of
the People.
B. Tasker President. Gassaway and Carroll from the Lower House attend with
M.r Philip Hammond a Member elected for Ann Arundel County
to see him qualified, who takes the Oaths to the Government ap-
pointed to be taken by Act of Assembly repeats and subscribes the
Abjuration and Test, and then withdraws
Adjourned 'till three of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment