Acts. 141
Sheriffs the Residue of their Imprisonment Fees. Provided, That
the said Sheriffs shall not prosecute, detain, or imprison, the said
Prisoners, or any of them, within Three Years after their Release-
ment; any Thing contained in this Act to the contrary notwith-
Liber H. S.
No. 1
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That whatever Estate, whether Real or Personal, any of
the Prisoners aforesaid shall surrender or give up to any of the
Sheriffs, in whose Custody they are or shall be at the Time of their
or any of their Discharges, shall, by the Sheriff or Sheriffs in whose
Custody such Prisoner or Prisoners shall be, in the Presence of one
Magistrate of the particular County where such Prisoner shall be
discharged, be exposed to public Sale, and Sold to the highest Bidder ;
and that after the same be done, and the Sheriff or Sheriffs are paid,
or secured to be paid, their Fees, the Residue shall be applied to the
Creditors of such Prisoner or Prisoners that shall apply therefor,
within Thirty Days after the said Sale, in equal Proportion to their
[The Prison-
ers Effects
to be sold
by the
p. 331
And be it further Enacted, That all such Accounts, Bonds, Notes,
or other Demands, any of the said Prisoners have against any Person
or Persons whatsoever, be by the said Prisoner or Prisoners assigned
to the Sheriff, in whose Custody such Prisoner or Prisoners shall be
or are at the Time of their Discharge; and that such Sheriff or
Sheriffs shall and may maintain an Action or Actions on such
Demands, as Assignee of such Prisoner or Prisoners, in his own
Name. Provided always, That such Creditor or Creditors demand
of such Sheriff to cue, and give to such Sheriff a Bond to indemnify
him against any Charge that may accrue to such Sheriff by Means
of Suing; and in Case of Recovery, that then the Sheriff make Dis-
tribution of what shall be recovered to the Person or Persons giving
him such Security as aforesaid.
[Bonds, &c.
belonging to
the Prisoners
to be assigned
to the
6th May 1757
On behalf of the Right
6th May 1757
Read and assented to
Honourable the Lord
Read and assented to
by the Lower house of
Proprietary of this Prov-
by the Upper house of
ince I will this be a Law
Signed p order
Hor.o Sharpe
Signed p order
MMacnemara Cl lo ho
JRoss Cl Up Ho
The Great Seal
in Wax app.t
No. 16
An Act for the speedy Payment of sundry Persons therein men-
Whereas Accounts of Disbursements have been produced to this
General Assembly by Dr. David Ross, Samuel Chapman, Andrew
Staiger, William Nicholson, Nicholas Rogers, Daniel Barnett, John
Ridgely, Robert Tives, James Richard, Frederick Freeman, Anne