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Kent County Court Proceedings, 1656-1662. 91 tim bee was Clark of the sd Courtt in entring uppon this Record Liber B that the sd Read by these deposissions should Call himselfe Knaue, but the Courtt finding by an order grounded uppon the sd Oaths that the sd Hynson hath not notouriously Injured the sd Read, but only by negleckt of the sd Hynson who hath acknowliged that itt was his error & neggleckt in not fully expresing in the sd oaths that these words & the South att his owne howse Called the sd Read Knaue & sd bee would proue itt wch was the full truth of the sd Oaths as aforesd 8 Moneth 11th 1656 [fol. 10] (*) This day Robert Martin & Henery Ashley did both of them Ac- knowledge in Court, this to bee theire act & deed which heareafter followeth Artickles of Agneemt made & held this 11th of Octobt 1656, be- tween Robert Martine on the one ptie & Henery Ashley on the other ptie in manner & fomme as followeth; ffinst it is agreed between the aboue named pties, That wee doe firmly by theese ptsents bynd our selues in the forfeture of flue thousand pounds of good tobacc° & Caske to hould & Continnue in an equal Copartnershipe, in all the stocke of Cattell hoggs & Land, Crops of Tobacc° & Corne, only the sd Robert Martin resseruinge to himyselfe three Cowes for my three Children, and at the end of the sd three yeares, if the aboue named pties doe Joyntly agree to breack of theire Copartnershipe, tht then theare shall bee an equall diuission of theire estates, of Cat- tell hoggs Land & Cropps, or if otherwise both pties bee agreed, theire Copartnenshipe may Continue soc longe as the agree upon, and for the true pformance heareof wee the aboue named pties haue enterchangeably sett Or hands this 11th day of Octobr 16Wittnes Tho: South Rob Mar R tam his mark John Dabes his mark Hen: Ashly Know all men by theese ptsents tht I Capt Rob Vaughan of the Isle of Kent, haue & doe, acknowledge to haue bartered, sould, & made sall of, one broune bull, about three yeares ould, with a swallow taill on the Right care, & underkeeld on the left care, with a barren Cow, & a heifer, off the same mark, unto Jn° Salter, which afforesd Chattell, with theire Increase, & I the afforesd Vaughan doth by theese prsents acknowledge a free & firme salle, by mee, & from my heires execut Admins and Assignes, foreuer, unto the sd Salter, his heires, executors Admiñ, or Assignes foreuer, to haue & to hould, keepe possesse & Inioy, peaceably as his owne pp goodes, in wittnes wheareof I haue heareunto sett my hand this 3th Octobt 1656 Test Marke Benson Robt Vaughan Peter Parker * These entries of early date on folios 10-13 are by the hand of Clerk Thomas Hill, whose official service ended in November, 1656. |
Volume 54, Page 91 View pdf image (33K) |
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