Volume 54, Page 716 View pdf image (33K) |
716 Somerset County Court Proceedings, 1665 1668. Liber B No. 1 Wittnes whereof the Said David Spence & Anne his wife doe here unto sett their hands & seales this thirtieth day of June A° D° 1668 Signed Sealed & delivered David Spence in the presence of Anne Spence Thomas Shiall John Meech Thomas Ball This is Acknowledged in open Courte by David Spence & Anne his wife at A Courte helid for the Countie of Sothersett in the Province of Maryland the day & yeare aboue mentioned [p. 121] To all people to whome these presents shall come I Christopher Nutter of the Countie of Somersett in the Province of Maryland plantor and Mary his wife Send greeting in or Lord god everlasting Knowe yee, That whereas Caecilius absolute Lord Proprietor of the provinces of Maryland & Avalon Lord Barron of Baltemore by his Pattent under the greate seale of this province bearing Date the twelfth day of october in the five & thirtieth year of his Dominion over this province A° D° one thousand Six hundred sixty Six Did grante unto me the Said Christopher Nutter by the name of Christo pher Nutter of this province plantor A parcell of Land (called Kill maynham) lyeing & being At the head of Manoakin river beginning at A white oake standing by a Savan Side from thence running Northwest the bredth of Seaventy five pole to a markt oake & from thence running Southwest the length of three hundred Sixty five pole to a marke oake from thence running Southeast the bredth of Seaventy five pole to A markt oake with A Line drawne Northeast to the first bounder; Conteyning & laid out for one hundred & fifty acres more or lesse; Together with all rights, proffitts, and bennefitts there- unto belonging (Royall mines excepted) To haue & to holid the Same to me Christopher Nutter mine heires & assignes for ever, for & under the rents reservacons & Services therein reserved, as by the Said recited Pattent recourse being thereunto had more fully & more at Large it may & doth appeare Now Knowe yee further that I Christopher Nutter & Mary his wife for A valueable Consideracon in hand paid by John Dorman of the Countie & Province aforesaid plantr the receipt whereof wee doe hereby acknowledge & thereof & of every part & parcell thereof Doe clearely & absolutely acquitt & discharge the Said John Dorman his executrs & assignes for ever by these presents, haue given granted bargained & solid; And doe by these presents give grante allienate bargaine & sell unto him the Said John Dorman his heires & assignes for ever, all that the Said Devi dent or tract of Land Soe to me granted as aforesaid with all the proffitts privilidges Pattents writings Corñodities & hereditaments to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaining To have and to holld the Said Devident or tract of Land with all & every the appurtenances |
Volume 54, Page 716 View pdf image (33K) |
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