Volume 54, Page 542 View pdf image (33K) |
542Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674. Liber BB Will Sturdiuant was a poore man & Not Capable to Retorne from No. 2 New Yorke Without saile of his Clouth to purches a horse to Bring him Whom the haue Ordred that the said Will haue his horse againe Whereas the Sheriff hath seazed of a horse of John Newnams Su possing that the said Newnam brough the said horse Contrary to Law in to this Province the said Newnam make Oath that the horse being lame Which he Rid on to Delaware he bought the said horse at the head of Bohemy River Therefore the Courtt hath ordred that the said William haue his horse againe Jn° Edmondson Plt Daniell Walker Defft The Sute Reffered to the Next Courtt George Robbin Plt Edw Williams Dfft his sute Reffered to the Next Courtt James Allexander Saruant to Jn° Richardson haueing Rune away forty eight day from his Masters saruis the Cort hath ordred that the sd Jame Allexander sarue his master John Richardson tenn day for each day he Rune away which comes to 480 day [p.---] Know all men by these Presents that I William Worgan of [can celled] County in the Province of Maryland Inhoulder for diuers Causes & Consideration in there unto moueing doe Constute and Apoint my welbeloued friend Robert stapleford of Crosecor Creeke in Greate Choptk River in Talbott County to be my True & lawfull Attorney for me & in my Name & to my use to sue Arest and Implead Seeke demaind and Recour & Receue all such Sum or Sumes of To bacoe Due to me by Bill Or Accompts Lying in Talbott County afore said & giueing & Granteing unto my said Attorney my Whole Power and strength & Authorytie in and about the primmisses and upon the Rec thereof accquittance or other discharges for me and In my Name to make seale & Deliuer and further more I doe my said Attory to Acte and doe all things which he sees to be Lawfull & Nessesary to be acted and done for the Recouery of Euery sum & sumes of Tobacoe due to me Rattifleing and allowing and houlding firme and Staple all and Whatsoeuer my said Attorney shall doe as if I were there in my Owne Person Present as Wittnes hereunto I haue sett my hand & seale this 27th day of December Annoq Doth: 1672 his marke Signed sealed & Deliuered Wm Worggon in the Presents of John Slatter John Swayne |
Volume 54, Page 542 View pdf image (33K) |
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