Volume 54, Page 515 View pdf image (33K) |
Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674. 515 Wheareas it was Ordered the Last Courtt that Mr John Edmond- Liber BB son Should produce Will: Gaskins Note from Maior Thomas En- No. 2 [p 197] grams Admistor by this Courtt Or pay Will: Gaskin flue hindred Pounds of Tobacoe the Said Jno Edmudson Not produceing the Note According to Order it is the Judgmt of this Courtt that Jno Edmondson pay unto Wit! Gaskin the Said flue hundred Pounds of Tobacoe with Cost of Sute The Said Jno Edmondson Craues an Apelle to the Next Provinciall Courtt for this Province the thirteenth day of Febbr Next at the Citty of St Marys The Courtt hath ordered an Apelle pvided the Edmondson giues Bond for treble Damages: To the worshipll Comisscoñs for Talbott County Gent: By uriaent occassions I am Prevented to waite upon this Courtt I have A Sarvant By Name Wit!: Hackett who I Bought of Capt Jno Tully fowre yeares agoe without Indenture for the Costum of the Cuntrys he Now demands his Freedom by a Certiffi catt from the Office, I leaue it to ye the Courtt & Submitt my Selfe to yor Judgmts and & Rest yorsSeth Foster Sign S The said Wm: Hackett produces a Certificatt under the seal of the Reggester Office In London it is the Judgmt of the Courtt that it is of Noe effect ag5t the Law of this Province for the Limittacon of Sarvants times Therefore the Cort hath Ordred that Wit!: Hackett goe home to his Master Seth Foster and Sarve One yeare More Mr Thomas Hinson Petticon to this Courtt for an Attachmt agst the estate of Thomas williams who is Run away out of this Province for one thousand nine hundred Pounds of tobacoe The Courtt bath Ordred that Thomas Hinson haue an Attachmt for the abouesaid sum of tobacoe Mr Richard Tilghmand By his Attorny Ralph Blackall Decleares that fran: Brooks Stands Indebted to him one hundred And eighteen Pounds of tobacoe the said Blackehall Not makeing any Debt Ap peare the Courtt hath ordred that Fran: Brooks haue an Non sute agst the said Blackhall Sylanass Broune Assigned unto mr Will Durand By Rich: Carter for flue yeares: Mr Rich: Carter Brough his Sarvant Francis Story to this Courtt Who is Judged to Sarve Six yeares Robert Bulling Brought his sarvant Henry Ouldfield to this Courtt Who is Judged to sarue eight yeares |
Volume 54, Page 515 View pdf image (33K) |
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