Volume 54, Page 507 View pdf image (33K) |
Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674. 507 Courtt hath Ordred that Will Sockell make Present payment of Liber BB foure hundred and fifteen Pound of tobacoe and Caske with Cost of No. 2 Sute &c To the Worship” Comisscońs for Talbott County the humble Petticon of Jno: Rawling Sheweth that Mihell Young hath Absented himself from the Said Railing his Sarvis Being his Indented Sarvant and Reffuseth to come and Performe his sarvis according to the tenuare of his Indenture The pmisses Considered y0r Petticoń humbly Craues Or der for his Damages and that the Said Young may retorne and pforme his Sarvis and yor Pettcofl Shall pray Wnm: Euens of Calvertt County by his Attorny Cornelius Mullrum Proues in this Courtt that Michell young was at the making of the Indenture with Jno Rawling his Sarvant and still is his sarvant therefore the Courtt hath Ordred that Jno Rawling be non suted Michell Millor the Attorney of Edward Scidmur Declares against Jno Pooly for one hundred and thirty flue pounds of Tobacoe Due by Bill to the said Scidmur Jon Pooly produces Jno Bemont Recept against his bill and makes oath he paid the Tobacoe by Edw Scid murs Ordr therefore Obtaines a Non Suite Mr Jonath Sibery by his Attorney Francis Parssons Petticon to this Courtt for two hundred of Tobacoe and Caske Due from Josias Crouch Rich Chaplin the Attorny of Josias Crouch Putts the Plant to proue his debt the Plant not proueing his debt the Deft is Ordred an Non sute To the Worshipll Comisscoń of Talbott County the humble Pett con of Rogger Price Sheweth that Tho: Bromdon of this County Stands Indebted to yor Petticoń the Sum of flue hundred and twenty Pounds of tobacoe and Caske Due by Bill yor Pettcoń haueing a nonest Inventus Re torned and the said Bromdon being Run away yor Pettcon Craues order for an Attachmt agst the said Bromdon Estat for his debt The Courtt hath ordred that Rogger Price haue an Attachrnt agst the Estate of Tho: Bromdon for flue hundred and twenty pounds of tobacoe with Cot Charges Wm: Gaskin and Jno Edmondson Sute Refferd untill the Nex Courtt by Consent of Both Plant and Deffendant Mr John & Tho Noris Suit Reffered By Concent of Both Partys [p. 188] until the next Courtt & then to Stand to Judgmt of Cort Wm Gaskins and John Emondson Suit Refere B Consen of Both Partys untill the next Courtt |
Volume 54, Page 507 View pdf image (33K) |
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