Volume 54, Page 418 View pdf image (33K) |
418Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674. Liber BB order for the same with Cost of suite and your petitioner Shall Ever No.2 Pray Whereas mr William Taylor is only security to mr wade and Hat- ten in Capt Leeds behalfe and the sheriff haueing arrested the said Taylor and Could nott find the said Capt Leeds, butt returned him Non Est Inventus mr Taylor Craueing A ref erance to the next Court for to bring the said m' Leeds then to appeare and mr Wads and mr Hattons Atturney being therewith satisfied The Court haue granted mr Taylor A Referance till the next Court then to bring in mr Leeds/ To the Worshipfull Commissioners for Talbott County the humble petition of Richard Ti!ghman. Shewith That William Taylor stands indebted to your petitioner the summ of Two Thousand ninety flue pounds of Tobacco being part of A Bill for Two Thousand seven hundred Eighty Two pounds of Tobacco which the said Taylor refusseth to pay the prem isses Considered your petitioner humbly Craueth order for present payment thereof with Cost of suite and your petitioner Shall Ever Pray Mr William Taylor acknowlidgeth Judgment: the Court haue granted mr Tilghman an Order with Cost of suite. To the worshipfull the Commissioners of Talbott County the humble petition of Leonard Daniell. Shewith That whereas your petitioner was A servant to George Richardson, and hee in his Life time said that if he died before my time was outt, I should bee free, and now the Excecutors would [p. 8o] haue mee serve the time, by Condidion that I was to serve, hee the said Richardson in his Life time, nor they since haue in noe part performed the tenor of the Condition wherefor your petitioner Craueth his freedome with Cost of suite &c Wee of the Jury haueing maturely inquiered betweene Tymothy Goodridge the Adminestor of George Richardson, and Leonard Daniell, nott finding that the said Richardson hath performed his Condition wee doe agree that the said Daniell is free by the Condition Andw: Skinner foreman John Pitt planff The planff haueing not field his petitions Jonath: Hopkinson de ft according to Law The Court haue granted the deift A Non suite in both actions Henery Clarke servant to mr Trustrum Thomas brought to Court to be judged; the Court Judged him to bee sixteene yeares old and to serve according to act of Assembly. |
Volume 54, Page 418 View pdf image (33K) |
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