Volume 54, Page 413 View pdf image (33K) |
Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674. 413 Shewith That John Edmundson bought him A pcell of Land of Liber BB the said Shacklady, and your petitioner hath made satisfaction for No.2 the said Land, to the said Edmundson for the use of the said Shack- lady butt now soe it is, that the said Shacklady refusseth to giue your petitioner any Assureance for the said Land; the pmisses Con sidered yor petitioner humbley Craueth order of this worshipfull Court for the same with Cost of suite & yor petitioner Shall Ever pray The deff: makeing appeare that the planff bought noe Land, butt only the Certificate to be had in his oune name, obtains an nonsuite against the plane with Cost of suite. William Moore planff In an action of debt Tho: Phillips deft: To the Worshipfull Commissioners for Talbott County the humble [p. 74] petition of Wm Moore. Shewith That yor petitioner sold to Thomas Phillips A maide ser vant, and the said Phillips hetherto refuseth to make payment the premisses Considered yor petitioner humbly Craueth order from this worshipfull Court with Cost of suite & yor petitioner Shall Ever pray The Deft afferming that hee did severall times proffer pay ac cording to bargaine, and now in open Court tendering pay which the planff Refusseth the deff: obtaines an Non Suite against the plane with Cost of suite Whereas dãid Johnson your humble petitioner hath attended Fower and Twenty days upon old Williams, doth hereby petition to the Court that hee may haue satisfaction for the same. Dauid Johnson The Court hath granted an Order to Dauid Johnson against the Estate of Thomas Williams for Two hundred pounds of Tobacco. Henery Pratt the Atturney of Elizabeth Williams Shewith Thatt Dauid Johnson hath Carried away A Boate that did belong to Thomas Williams and hath Left the boate att the western Shore your petitioner humbly Craueth order that the said Johnson bring the boat in kinde to the place where hee had it and your petitioner shall Ever pray/ Dauid Johnson brought A peece of one of the boards of the said boate that was all worme eaten, and A Noate under Thomas Coles hand, where the boate was Left, that did testifie, that the boate was disabled. Therefor the Court ordered that the said Jönson should pay what the boate was Esteemed worth by Thomas Cole vizt Three hundred pounds of Tobacco |
Volume 54, Page 413 View pdf image (33K) |
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