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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 379   View pdf image (33K)
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     Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674. 379

    soc excecuted and putt him to Apraisement out of which appraisemt Liber BB
    to pay the said mrs Morgan seven hundred Twenty Eight pounds of No.2
    Tobacco as aboue said being in full of the first Judgment

     Whereas William Mullings hath Confissed in open Court that hee
    hath Layn with Sarah Spurdence; the Court hath ordered that hee
    shall Receiue Twenty Lashes upon the beare back, and that the
    sheriff shall bring the said Sarah Spurdence to the next Courte for
    this County there to stay and abide Judgment of the said Court.

     Att A Court held for Talbott County The 22d of March 1665
Left Richard Woollman r
                      M Willm Coursey
      Mr Seth Forster    r           Comissioners
                      M Tho: South
     Mr James Ringold

    Mr Symon Carpender plant
                       an action of Debt
    Cornelius Comegess def
     To the Worshipfull Cothissioners for Talbott County the Humble [p. 32]
    petition of Symon Carpender.
     Shewith That whereas your Petitioner on the accompt of mr
    Thomas Griffith of London mrchant haueing sold unto Cornelius
    Comygess A servant named William Wake and severall other goods
    as p his accompt appeareth, amounting together to Two Thousand
    Eight hundred seventy & nine pounds of Tobacco & Cask, and your
    Petitioner as p Bill appeareth haueing bound over the said servant,
    & as much more of his Crope as should secure the said debt in time
    Convenent, Now soe it is, that your petitioner haueing severall times
    himselfe •& by others demanded the said Tobaccos, butt Could gett
    none, and insteede thereof very gross and abussive Language, which
    Causeth your petitioner as p his Bill presumes qualified to take the
    said servant to himself é againe, and now Craues your order for the
    Remainder of his debt, and such satisfaction for his servants Cropp
    who had A whole share allowed for him, and pformed to the utmost
    as will appeare, as in your Considerations seems fitt with Cost of
    suite and your petitioner Shall Ever pray

     The Plant makeing appeare his Declaration the Court haue or
    dered that the Deft shall pay seven hundred pounds of Tobacco &
    Cask to the plant for the servants years worke, and Eight hundred
    seventy Nine pounds of Tobacco and Cask due upon accompt besides
    with Cost of suite

    Mr Symon Carpender plant
                       an action of the Case
    Cornelius Comeges def
     To the Worshipfull Commissioners for Talbott County the
    humble petition of Symon Carpender.

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 379   View pdf image (33K)
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