Volume 54, Page 348 View pdf image (33K) |
348Kent County Court Proceedings, 1675-1676. Liber C George Robbins by mrIn an Accon of debt the dft ac James Coursy his Attomny plt knowledgeth J udgmt for fower George Greene dft hundreth poundes of Tobb the WCh ths Court doth order the dft to pay to the plt with Cost of sute else Execucon Ex issued out 12th 10ber 1676 John Darby by Mich: In an Accon of debt the dft Acknowledgeth Miller his Attorny plt Judgmt for fower hundreth & twenty eight Richard Hill dft pounds of Tobb, the wch ths Court doth order the dft to pay to the plt wth Cost else Execucon Ex issued out the 12 of 10ber 1676 John Ellis came to Court & desired tht Mich Miller might be re corded his Gardian & the Court did approue of it Wheareas Patrick sullavant hath made it appeare to ths Court tht there is dew unto him out of the estate of mr dunn the suth of three hundred thirty seaven pounds of Tobb This Court doth Order tht prseflt paymt be made out of the estate by the Exr else Execucon Thomas Francs admt of John shaw plt A reff Granted untill the next Court John Coop df Wheareas Christopher Andrewes hath made it appeare to ths Court tht there is dew unto him out of the estate of mr Robert dunn the sum of five hundred thirty two pounds of Tobb This Court doth order tht prseflt paymt be made out of the estate by the Extr else Execucon Jno Moll by his in an Accon of debt one the plt Attorny make Attorny mr James ing his debt appë in open Court to be Eighteene Coursey plt hundred thirty nine poundes of Tobb, This vincent Atchison dft Court doth order the dft to pay to the plt the aboue suth of Tobb with Costs else Execucon Ex out the 12th of iober 1676 William Bishopp by mr In accon of debt the shirriff of the mr Warde his Attomny plt County returning upon the back of the Richard Harrington dft writt (a Caepi Corpus) & the dft called heare in Court to Answer the sute did not appeare/ It is ordered by ths Court tht if the shirriff of the County doe not bring the body of the said Harrington to the next Court the shirriff to be Amerst. Edward Rogers brought a servant to Court tht came in to the Country wthout Indentures named Thomas James who is Judged by |
Volume 54, Page 348 View pdf image (33K) |
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