Volume 54, Page 314 View pdf image (33K) |
314Kent County Court Proceedings, 1668-1671. Liber C 6 that the sd Robt Kent & Artheur Wright doe giue Fre consent to the sd Ashbury to sell his part of land to John Dauis with all preuiledges whotsoeuer as Wittnesse our hands & seales this 21 day of February 1671 Robert Kent Wittnesse Will Dennis his her Francis X Ashbury Cathanin K Wright Marke Marke [fol. 53] This Day Marke Benton brought his seruant John Smith into Cort the wich John by the Cort is ordred to serue seauen yeares P Sayer Cler Att a Court holden for this County June the 27 1671 Mr Mathew Read Mr Morgan Williams Comissio Mr John Wright Mr Tho: Osburne Whareas Artheur Wright came this day into Cort and and com playning that Samuell king doth embeassle and make away with the estate of the orphans of Nicholas Pickarde deceased this Ccft doth order that the sd Artheur wright doe take into his possession the estate of the sd Orphans & to keepe untill further order & likewise tht the sd samuell be sum unto the next Cort Whereas Henry Beedle cam this day into Cort and requested this Cort in the behalf e of Moyses stagoll that those cattle giuen by Wit! Elison and hand his wife unto Tho staggoll the sonne of Tho Stag goll the wich this Cort doth order shall be deliumed as in recorde June 27 1665 Tobyas Well recordeth himselfe Attourny to Mary Burton Jere: Eaton plt both partys concenting this doth grant a Wit! Head dft refferrance Francis Pyne the dft crauing a Refference untill the next Cort Will Dauis dft the wich is granted Jere: Eaton plt Noe cause of accon being found the dfd craueth Alce steuens dft a non Suit the wich this Court doth grant with costs of suite Tho Cole plt In an accon of debt the dft acknowlegeth iudgmt John Tassell dft for two hundred ninety pounds of tobacco the wich this Cort doth order shall be prsently pyd with costs of sute elce exeqcon Ex iss out 4th Apr 1672 |
Volume 54, Page 314 View pdf image (33K) |
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