Volume 54, Page 307 View pdf image (33K) |
Kent County Court Proceedings, 1668-1671.307 Tho Heath plt In an accon of trespase uppon the case the Liber C Tobias Appleford deft Colt findes the deft indebted to the plt two [fol. 491 barrells & a half of corne the wich they order him to pay with costs of sute elce exeqcon Jeremiah Eaton plt In an accon of debt the deft acknowlegeth michaell de County dft iudgmt for one thousand seauen hundred forty seauen pounds of tobacco the wich this Cort orders him to pay to the pft with costs of sute elce exeqcon Exeqcon issued out Exeqcon issued out in Colt John Currer plt In a accon of Debt the dft acknowlegeth Judgmt John Dobbs dft for two thousand sixty & flue pounds of tobacco the wich this Colt orders him to pay to the plt with costs of sute elce exeqcon William Dauis recordeth Tobyas Wells for his Attourny Jeremiah Eaton plt The partys both agreing the dft paying charges Rich Pether dft of Court Francis Pyne plt In an accon of debt the dft acknowlegeth Judgmt John Dobbs deft for three thousand one hundred and eighteene pounds of tobacco the wich this Colt orders him to pay to the plt with costs of sute elce exeqcon Exeqcon issued out Wilt Bateman plt In an accon of debt the dft acknowlegeth by Joseph Wicks Judgmt for three hundred eighty pounds of to- his Attourny bacco the wich this Cort doth order him to pay Tobyas Wells deft to the plt with costs of sute elce exeqcon Tho Baxter plt In an accon of debt the dft acknowlegeth Michaell de County deft Judgmt for one man seruant the wich this Colt orders him to pay to the plt with costs of sute elce exeqcon Hanna sheurty plt In an accon of trespase uppon the case the Colt George Harris dft granteth a Refferance till the next Cort Francis Pyne plt In an accon of assault & Battery noe cause Will Dauis by Tobias . of acëon being produced the dft craue a Wells his Attourny dft non suit wich this Cort doth grant with Costs of sute &c Francis Pine pltIn an accon of breach of Couenants noe Wilt Dauis by Tobias cause of accon being produced the deft Wells his Attourny deft craues a non suit the wich this Cort doth grant with costs of suit elce exeqcon |
Volume 54, Page 307 View pdf image (33K) |
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