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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 286   View pdf image (33K)
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          286Kent County Court Proceedings, 1668-1671.

         Liber C    neither debt nor Costs of sute, as is made appeare, This Court doth
               Grant exeqcon to the sd Lawrence for his sd debt with Costs of
               sute: &c:

                 Whereas Valentine Hues was Charged For diuers scandelous
               words spoaken agt the Comishoners of Kent County in a very un
               semly mannor: the be accknowledging in open Court And desire
               ing to be Forgiuen for his missdemeanor pmisseing neuer to doe the
               Like, which by his humble submishon The Court out of theyer Clem
               ency doth remitt his Offence, and onely Orders him to pay Costs
               of sute: &c:

                 Thomas Taylor brought a saruant named James Bringgergrass to
               Court to be A Judged what time he should srue, he haueing no Inden
               tures The Court doth Judg him to bee fourteene yeares of Age, And
               doth Order that he shall srue eight yeares, unless he Cann produce
               Indentures or his Age out of England, wthin the sd tyme to be more

                 Elizabeth, the Daughter of Williams Lyppins Late of this County
               Deceased beng a Childe of six yeare old the first of this Instant
               March, And Left to the County: William Granger haueing the sd
               Childe in his Possescon, And at his request, the Court doth Order
               that the sd girle shall sarue the sd William Granger And Grace his
               wife untill shee Come to the Age of Eighteene yeare old Prouided
               that the sd Granger & his wife shall Finde And alowe her Meate
               Drinke washing & Lodgeing And sufficient Cloathing &c:

                 This Day Henry Carter came into Court: And Entred Allenacon
               for one hundred And Fifty Acres of Land Called Dunns Hazard:
                he bought of Mr Robert Dunn: And payd the sd Allinacon fine in
               money                 Test: Disboro Bennett U!arke:

                 These are to Certifle all whom it may Concerne that Humphrey
               Hubberd aged twenty one yeares was Indentured to Edmond Burton
               for Fower yeares as wittnes my hand this second day of January 1669
               Wittnes Robert Dunn            Ezekiel Croscomb
                     William Currer

                 Wheras Mr William Head had an exeqcon agt any of the Goods
               Debts or Chattells of Peter Seale, the which was neuer Layd: The
               sd scale being Lately Deceased, Mr Head Peticoned that the sd exeq
               con may be renewed, For Eleuen hundred pounds of tobacco, out of
               the estate of the deceased, Which this Court doth Order: &c:
               Exeqcon Issued the 23th of Aprill 1670:

                 Wheras Charles Edgerton hath made appeare by Oath that there
               is due unto him; out of the estate of Capt John Vicaris Late of this

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)
Volume 54, Page 286   View pdf image (33K)
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