Volume 54, Page 247 View pdf image (33K) |
Kent County Court Proceedings, 1668-1671. 247 Ordered that Christian Deare the Daughter of John Deare deceasd Liber C shall Serue Robert Dunn for and during the Terme of Foure yeares or untill she be marryed The bond of security for the orphans Cattle is deliuered unto Robert Dunn This Day John Maggison was Sworne Cunstable for Lower Hun dred Henery Downes for upper Hundred Tho: Collins plant In An Action of the Case two Euidence being John Erreckson defftJ taken in part of the plant: the Court finding it Just doth order the Said Erreckson to pay unto the plant: one hun dred and Eighty pounds of Tobacco all Accounts being Ballanced with Cost of Sute ells exq Bee it knowne unto all men by these presents that I John Dabb of the Island of Kent for diuers good Causes and Consideracons me Thereunto moueing doe bind ouer my Daughter Sarah Dabb unto mr Morgan Williams and his wife for and during the Terme of Foure yeares to serue them in such occasions as they shall require and in Consideration whereof the Said Williams is to finde her meate drincke washing and Lodging and Cloths for the true performance of the premises I bind my selfe my heires Executors Administratrs or Assignes In witnes whereof I haue hereunto sett my hand the 30th June 1668 John Dabb Acknowledged in Court and his marke ordered to be recorded Test John Wright CIa This day Isaac Winchester desired to Record his marke of his 16th July Cattle and hoggs as Followeth A halfe square ouer the right Eare 1668 and A Crop and A nick underneath A halfe square under the left and A Cropp John Wright Records his marke of Cattle and hoggs as Foll: ditto Die Cropt of both Eares and A slitt in the Right John Wright Another marke underkeeled of the right Eare and A small peice taken Away of the upper side Cropt and slitt of the left eare/ Know all men by these presents that pasco Dunn doe Assigne ouer all my Right and Title of this within specifyed Bill of Saile unto Henery Downes his heires or Assignes for euer with all priu ildges thereunto belonging for pformance hereof I haue hereunto Sett my hand this 16 of Aprill 1667 Pasco Dunn Acknowledged in Court by Robert Dunn his Atturney and ordered to be Recorded Test John Wright Cia |
Volume 54, Page 247 View pdf image (33K) |
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