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24 Kent County Court Proceedings, 1648-1656. Liber A Concernes the due Administration of Justice, and Right, the Exe cution of lawes upon delinquents and the lawfull and necessary usse of the Militia Requiringe the people of the sayd Countie to bee subject to all his lawifull Comaunds, And aliso wee doe by these prsents Nominate and appoint, mr Joseph Weeckes, mr Tho: Ringold mr Thomas Hinson, mr Jn° Russell, mr Henery Morgan, mr Wm Eliot, & mr Henery Canine, to bee Commitioners for the sayd County of Kent Assistant to the sayd mr Phillip Conier (who is heareby appointed President of the Comition) for the Conseruation of the peace, Administration of Justice, and Right Executinge of Judgment to all psons indiferently, in all Causses, of which the shall bee allowed Capable to haue Cognizance, and for the ptsent as the haue formerly done, untill further order bee published And that any foure of the sayd Comitioners wheareof mr Phillip Conier, or mr Joseph Weeckes, or mr Tho: Ringgold, or mr Tho: Hinson, to bee allways one, shall haue power to keepe Courts, at such times and in such places, as to them shall seeme Conuenient and necessary, And that all writts, proces, warrants supenas &c which concerne the County Court, shall bee signed by the sayd mr Phillip Conier, hut in his absence by mr Joseph weeckes and uppon extrordinarie or sudden ocation, which Concernes the saftie of the County, pruentinge or supressinge of any dangerous action, the nearest Comissioner shall haue power to giue out a warrant directed to the sheriffe or Constable, and in Casse of Extremitie depute one to serue the same, And lastly the sayd mr Phillip Conier, and the sayd Comissioners are Required to Cause the Clark of theire Court, to transcribe the Court pssedings and to deliü them to the Secretarie of the Prouince, euery six Months, at the Generall Prouinciall Court, Giuen at Prouidence under my hand the first day of March 1654: Copia Vera testis Will Fuller me Clar Com William Durand Kent Tho: Hill: [101. g8J To all the Free subiects of the Comonwealth of England Dwellingc in the Prouince of Maryland our louinge Freinds and neighbors Whereas by the Supreame Authority of the Cothonwealth of England this Prouince is reduced to the obedience of the sayd Comonwealth, by a Speciall power Cothitted to the Honourable Ritchard Bennett Esquir Gouenor of virginia, and Colonell Wm Claiborne, and Capt Edmund Curtis Comaunder of the Ginny Frigate a man of warre sett forth by the Comonwealth for that purpose as is aparantly knowne, to all the people of this Prouince and an engagement tacken by the sayd people to bee obedient thearunto Which power of the sayd Comissioners and reducement of this Prouince thearunto hath been Confirmed by the aforesayd Supreame Authoritie under theire hand and Sealles to the sayd |
Volume 54, Page 24 View pdf image (33K) |
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