Volume 54, Page 204 View pdf image (33K) |
204 Kent County Court Proceedings, 1656-1662. Liber B Thes are to Athoriz the Commisioners of the lie of Kent or any of them to sweare any two honnest men for the Apraisment of any Estate yett unapraised which the Adminestrators shall desire and for soe doing thes shall be your warrant giuene under my hand thes 21th day of January 1660 Henry Coursey Gent I haue Appoynted Tobias Wells to be Clarke of the Kent County which you are hearby to take notise of and to Record as by my apoyntmente giuene under my hand these 23th of Nouember 166o Henry Coursey Secrt [fol. 88] (*) Know all men by these presents that I William Champe do assign over unto Robert Martine Senior or his assignes all my right Title and Interest of this within pattent with all the pro ffitts and benefitts therein Contained as Witness my hand this 2d Day of March 1660 This assignment made in Court the mark of Witness James Ringold William WC Champe Toby Wells Know all men by these presents that I Margt Hall the Executrix of Thomas Hill late of the Island of Kent deceased do by me and for me my heirs Executors assign over unto A Amoze Hill of the same Iland his heirs Executors adminestrators or assignes One hundred acres of the Land mentioned within this pattent called by the Name of hill- stone with all the pro ffitts & benefitts therein Contained as Witness my hand the first day of June 1661 the mark of Witness James Ring gold Margaret Halle Toby Wells Clk assigned over in Court [fol. 89) Att A Court holden upon Kent the 2th day of March 1660 Psent Capt Rob: Vaughan Mr William Coursey . Commisioners Mr Seth foster James Ringgould John Morgon plaint which Agread betwext themselues Henry Gott Defend Whearas Mrs Louehy petitioned to thes Court that hur husband hade Contrary to write iett unto on thomas Bennett a pranttation and seruants and Catteli which of Rite ded beionge to hur Child & the said bennett beinge Runne away as it wase supposed she desired thes Court to order that those goods & seruants shuld be delleuered unto hure as thay ware before The Court takeinge it into Consederation doth order that she shuid take the plantation and Estate into hur Coustody tell further order from the Court * Folio 88 is now missing from the record book, but the italic entries repre sent a portion of its contents, transcribed in 1727 into a deed liber and so preserved. |
Volume 54, Page 204 View pdf image (33K) |
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