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Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. 99 meaninge of these presents, shall Remaine Continew and be seyzed Liber A of and in the Messuage or tenement and all and singuller other Pre misses, in and by these presents granted bargained and sold with all and Euery there Rights, members, and Apurtenances, of A good Pure and Perfect and absolute Esstate of Inheritance in Fee simpell without any Condetione Reuersion Remainder or Limitatione of any use or usses, Esstate or Esstates, in or to any Person or Persoiis whatsoeuer to alter Change Defeat determine or make voyde the same, and that the said William Robisson at the time of the Enseal linge hereof A Right and Lawfull Authorittye to grant, bargaine, sell, and Convey all and singuller the before hereby granted, or men tioned to be granted, the Premisses wth there and Euery of there Apurtenances, unto the said Hennery Moore his heires or Assignes and Euery of them shall and may by force and vertew of these presents from time to time and at all times for euer hereafter Law fully Peacably & quietly haue, hold, use, Ocupie, possese, and Injoy the said Messuage or tenement, and all and singuller the before granted premisses, with there and Euery of there Rights, members & Apur tenances And haue Receiue and take the Rents, Issues and Profits thereof to his and there owne proper use, and behoofe for Euer, without any Lawfull Let, suite, trouble, Deniall, Interuption Eviction or Disturbance of the said William Robisson his heires or Assignes or of any other Person or Persons whatsoeuer, Lawfully Claiminge by from or under them, him, or any of them, or by there meanes, Act, Concent, tittell, interest Priuitty or Procurement, and that, free and Clear, and freely and Clearly Acquitted Exonerated and Discharged, and otherwayes from time to time well and suffistiently saued and kept harmies by the said William Robisson his heires Execcutors or Adminisstrators of and from all and all manner of Former and other gifts, grants, Bargaines, sales, Leaces, Morgages, Joynters Dowres, title of Dowres, Statute Marchant and of stapell Recognizances Ex tents Judgments Executions, usses, Entailes, Rents, and Arearages of Rents, forfeitures, fines, Issues, and Amercments, and of and from all and singuller other titells troubles Charges demands and Incum brances, whatsoeuer, had, made, Comitted, suffered Omitted or done, [p. 114] by the said William Robisson his heires or Assignes or by any other Person or Persons whatsoeuer Lawfully Claiminge by from or under him, them, or any of them, or there means, Act, Concent, title Inter est Priutty or Procurement, And further the said William Robisson for himself e his heires Execcutors and Adminisstrators and all and Euery other Person or Persons, and there heires Lawfully haue or Clame, or rightfully pretend to haue, any Essate, right, title, Interest, or Demand into or out of the Premisses, or any Part or Parcell of them, by from or under the said William Robisson or his heires or Assignes, shall and will from time to time, and at all times, for and Duringe the space of Ninety nine Yeares next Ensuinge the date of |
Volume 53, Page 99 View pdf image (33K) |
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