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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 634   View pdf image (33K)
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                 634 St. Clement's Manor Court Proceedings, 1659-1672.

            Liber B Bayliff Jno Shankes & sworne
                Presentmts We prsent that Barthollomew Phillips his land was not
                     layd out according to order of Court formerly made where-
                     fore he is fined one hundred pounds of tobacco & caske to the

                     We prseflt John Tenison for suifring his horses to destroy
                     John Blakistons Come field

                     We prsent that Jno Stanly and Henry Neale killed three
                     marked hogs upon the Lords Manor wch Capt Gardiner re-
                     ceived hogs were not of Capt Gardiner's proper marke
                     which is transferred to the next Provinciall Court, there to be
                     determined according to the law of the Province/.

          [p. ---]   We prsent That Edward Connery killed & caused to be killed
                     five wild Hogs upon the Lord's Manor this was done by the
                     Lords order and License

                     We prsent That the Lord of the Mannor hath not provided a
                     paire of Stocks, pillory, and Cucking Stoole Ordered that
                     these Instrumts of Justice be provided by the next Court by a
                     generall contribution throughout the Manor

                     We prsent That Edward Connery's land is not bounded in

                     We prsent That Thomas Rives hath fallen five or sixe timber
                     trees upon Richard Foster's land within this Manor referred
                     till view may be had of Rives his Lease

                     We prsent That Robert Cowper's land is not bounded accord-
                     ing to a former order for which he is fined 100lb tobco

                     We prsent That Jno Blackiston hunted Jno Tenison's horses
                     out of the Sd Blackiston's come-field fence which fence is
                     proved to be insufficient by the oathes of Jno Hoskins and
                     Daniell White

                     We prseflt Richard Foster to be Constable for this Manor for
                     the yeare ensuing who is sworne accordingly

                     We prsent Mr Benjamin Sally & Jno Blackiston to be Super-
                     visors of the high waies Jn0 Blackiston Sworne accordingly

                     We prsent That Jno Bullocks land is not bounded

                     We prsent Mr Thomas Notly, Mr Justinian Gerard & Capt
                     Luke Gardiner, Freeholders of this Manor for not appearing
                     to do their Suit at the Lords Court wherefore they are
                     amerced each man 50lb of tobacco to the lord

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 634   View pdf image (33K)
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