Volume 53, Page 63 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. 63 Whearupon the defendant braught in this account following LiberA Richard Trew Debtor Per two subpenes one in a Cause depending betweene Mr Arthur Turner and himself lb 240 and the other in a cause depending between Samuell Harris and himself lb 240 boath of them eight days apeece out at 30 par day This was at the Prouinciall Court At this Countie Court Per one subpaene between samuell Harris and himself by himself subp in a Cause depending betweene Richard Trew and myself which I Cast him in and four subpaenes (viz) for Samuell Harris and his wife William Allin and Elisabeth Atwicks lb 30 510 for myself four days at 30 per day lb120 the 4 subpenes at too days apeece a 30 per day lb 240 for the Clarkes fees lb179 for the Sherifs fees lb055 lb 594 This 594 must bee equalie deuided between them which is 297 lb of lb 297 510 And the aboue 510lb makes up th sd Geses dew which is.... lb 807 the plantiue demand beein but moo lb of tob this year and 1000 the next so that their remaineth dew unto the plantiue upon the ballancing of account 193 lb of tob: thearfor it is ordered that the plantiue shoold haue payd him by the defendant one hundered and ninghtie three pounds of tob: this upon demand and one thowsand pounds of tob: more in the year one thowsand six hundered and sixtie according unto the tenor of his bond. Know all men by thees Presants tht I Edmond Linsey of Porto- [p. 8o] bacco or St Thomas Creeke in the Prouince of Mariland Planter haue hearby bargained sould and made ouer from my self my heirs 158 Executors Administrators or Assignes unto Robert troope of the sayd Place Planter his heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes one peece or parcell of land lung situating and beeing at the head of a branch runing out of the forsayd Creeke commonlie Called Goose Creeke Contayning two hundered Acres more or les according to the Pattent baught of Jobe Chandler of Portobacco Esq in whose |
Volume 53, Page 63 View pdf image (33K) |
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