Volume 53, Page 626 View pdf image (33K) |
626 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. Liber B Confirmation of his debt subpened John Hall and John Price who Swaer that thay see Peeter Glenister deliuer a bill of seauenteen hundered pounds of tobacco to Roger Dickeson as his Act and deed and further Saye not Roger Dickeson upon oath declareth that Peeter Glenisters Crape amounts unto thirteen hundered ninghty seauen Pounds of tobacco according to the best light that the stilliards woold giue him and further sayeth not Whearupon the Attachment is Continued by the order of this Court untill the Next Coort Mt Thomas Mathews Mr Joseph Harrisson and Mr Walter Beane are nominated for the Gout to elect a Sheriff out of [p. 528] The forman of the Jury Edward Swan George newman Peter CareGils Tomkinson Will Hinsey Jo: WarlandJames Hussey Tho Gibson And: WardJoseph Cooper Jno SmallThomas Stone You are hearby Required to sarch and Diligently to see how a saruant of MT Francis Popes and which way hee might come P his Death to the best of your knowledge and schill Thomas Abbot Sworne and Examined in the face of the Jury say- eth as Concerning the death of a saruant of Mr francis Popes that upon the seauenteenth day of this present mounth Jan: 1664 that Thomas Greenhill was faling of a tree and the Neger of Mr Popes and this deponant a falling of an other and Thomas Greenhill tree fell part of the way and lodged upon an other oake then sayd Tho: Abbot to the Negro let us go looke sum more trees and fall them out of the ground and let Thomas Greenhill Lope them and Thomas Abbot went further with his Axe upon his shoulder: so the negro standing by the stompe of the other tree that Thomas Abbot fell sayd hearing of the tree Crake Lord bless us what ayleth the boy so Thomas Abbot Ran and seeing the boy lung on the ground lifted him up thincking that the blood might strangle hime and sayd for Christ sake Thomas Greanhill speake but hee coold not The Verdict of the Jurie whos names are aboue written beeing upon owr oaths and hauing searched out to the utmost of owr powers and knoledges to know how Tho Greenhill Came? his death wee find that hee came accedentallie and for want of Care the tree fell on him and killed him |
Volume 53, Page 626 View pdf image (33K) |
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