Volume 53, Page 573 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. 573 at S~ Marys under owr Lesser seale of owr sayd Prouince of Man- Liber B land the twentith day of Aprill in the four and thirtith yeare of owr Dominion ouer owr sayd Prouince of Mariland Annocp Domini 1665 witnes owr dean sone and Heir Charles Caluert Es~ owr Liuetennant Generall of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland Charles Calvert You shall well and truly Sarue the Lord Propnietari in the office of a Sheriffe of the County of Charles and doe his Lordships Profits in all things that belongs unto you by way of office as far forth as you Can or may you shall truly and Rightfully treat the People of your Sheriffwnick and doe right as well to the poore as to the Rich in all that belongs unto your office you shall doe no wrong to any man for any guift fauour haet on other affection you shall dewly execute [p.~~5i1 so fame as you may all such writs and warrants as shall bee to you derected by law full Authority and thearof you shall macke a tnew Returne according to the tenor of the Rite so helpe you God Who immediatly Deputed M~ Samull Cnessey to bee his under Shiriff who also in open Court tooke the aboue mentioned oath It is also ordered that W Henry Addames bind himself in a bond to the Rest of the Commissioners of Charles County of one hundered and fifty thowsand pounds of tobacco for the trew performance of the Place of Heigh Sheriffe of Charleses County according to the trew intent and meaning of his Commissione John Broune and George Thompson CIke produced this ensuing letter of Atturney Charleses County in the Prouince of Mariland Know all men by thees Presents that I George Bnadshow of the County and Prouince aboue sayd Planter haue nominated Constituted ordayned and Appoynted and doe by thees Presents Nominaet Con- stitute ordayne Authorise impower And Appoynt my Louing f rind W George Thompson and John Browne or eythen of them my trew and Law full Attumneys or Atturney for mee my heirs Executors [p.452] Administrators or Assignes to Alienaet enfeof Confirme and sell for euer unto Richard Randall his heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes for euer flue hundered Acres of Land Called the Expecta- tion lung in Charleses County about sum three miles from Nangemy branch giuing and hearby granting unto my sayd Atturneys or either of them full Power and Authoritie for mee and in my name to macke seale and Deliuer indenturs of saile for Land unto Richard Randall his heirs &~ according to due forme of Law as aforsayd in Any Court of Record within this Prouince as abouesayd Ratifling Confirming and Allowing and by thees Presents houlding firme and Stabell all and whatsoeuer my sayd Atturney or eyther of them shall lawfully doe or Caus Lawfully to bee done in and about the Praemisses to 4' |
Volume 53, Page 573 View pdf image (33K) |
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