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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 553   View pdf image (33K)
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            Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666.     553

      Addames demanded of them wheather thay wear agreed in thear ver- Liber B
      dite or no and thay answering that thay weare hee againe demanded
      of them who shoold deliuer in thear verdit? and thay againe unani-
      mously Replyed thear foarman
        Who thearupon Presented unto the Court the aforsayd William
      Caluert Esq his noate in the behalf e of the Right Honble the Lord
      Proprietarie subscribed billa Vera Whearupon the sayd Standbrige
      Confest the hoge to bee Daniell Johnsons it beeing of his Proper

        Whearupon the sayd William Caluert Esq Requesteth that the [p. 417]
      Jury might determin the valew of the Hoge which was granted and
      thay upon thear oaths formarly Taken Retyring; and Presenting
      themselues after Consideration on the Praemisses hauing taken be-
      fore Court wear demand whether thay wear agreed and thay all
      answered yes
        Then thay wear demanded who shoold giue in thear Verdite by
      Mr Henry Addames And thay all Answered thear foarman who
      deliuered it to the board by word of Mouth as follows wee Valew
      the hoge at one hundered and fifty pounds of tob
        It is thearfor Ordered that hee the sayd Thomas Standbridge Pay
      unto daniell Johnson three hundered pounds of tobacco hee the sayd
      Johnson as the sayd Standbridge Confesed beeing the Right owner
      and too hundered pounds of tobacco unto Thomas Michell as the
      informar and three hundered pounds of tobaco for a fine to the Right
      honorable Lord Proprietary by act of Assembly entituled an Act
      touching hogs and Marking of Cattell with Cost and Charge of Suit:

      John Neuill by his Atturney   The Plantiue aresting the defen-
      William Price Plantiue dant in an action of debt Pre-
      John Lewgar by his Atturney fereth his declaration as follow-
        William Caluert Escp Defendant eth

      John Neuill Plantiue The Plantiue declares against the defen-
      John Lewgar Defendantfdant in an action of debt to the valew of
      2000 tb of tobacco and Caske for that hee hauing sould unto the de- [p. 418]
      fendant one Mare for the aboue mentioned sum of tobacco and Caske
      which as yet Remayneth unsatisfied: and thear fore humbly Craueth
      an order of Court for his sayd debt with Cost and Charge of suit:

        Whearupon the defendãts Atturney William Caluert Esq Produc-
      ing his letter of Atturney the Pit put him to the proufe thearof whear-
      upon hee humbly requested that Mr William hollingesworth and
      W humphery warrent might haue thear oath giuen them Concerning
      the Praemisses which was granted: who boath of them swar that
      thay saw Mr John Lewgar deliuer that letter of Atturney unto the
      sayd William Caluert Escp

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 553   View pdf image (33K)
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