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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)
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                 548    Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666.

            Liber B Whearupon the Whole buisnes depending between his aforsayd
                  Lordshipe and the persons aformentioned indighted was deliuered
                  unto the Jury and thay in open Court Sworne to bringe in thear trew
                  verdict Concerning the Premisses who afterward Retiring and after
                  a dew Consideration had one the aforsayd buisnes Presented them
            [p. 408] selues Againe befor the Court and each man beeing by his Respectiue
                  Name Caled and thay answering to the same the aforsayd Mr Henry
                  Addames demanded of them whether thay wear agreed in thear
                  verdit or no and thay all answering that thay wear hee againe de-
                  manded of them who shoold deliuer in thear thear verdict: and thay
                  againe unanimously Replyed thear foarman
                   Who thearupon Presented unto the Court the aforsayd Will Cal-
                  uert Esq his noat in the behalf of the Right honorable the Lord
                  Proprietary subscribed Billa Vera

                   Whearupon the sayd William Caluert Esq Request that James Lee
                  might bee Sworne how many of his hogs bee then Lost and that
                  Robert downes and Thomas Chapman may also bee sworne unto the
                  Premisses which was granted
                   James Lee Sworne and Examined in open Court sayeth that hee
                  hath lost three sows and fowr Shoats and further sayeth not
                   Robert Downes Sworne and Examined in open Court sayeth that
                  bee see James Lee marke eleuen shoats and further sayeth not:
                   Thomas Chapman Sworne and examined in Open Court Sayeth
                  that one the munday befor the aforsayd hogs wear killed bee see them
                  all at home bee beeing a liner then with James Lee

                   Whearupon the sayd William Caluert Esq Requesteth that the
                  Jury might determin the valew of the hogs and thear Number which
                  was granted and thay upon thear oaths formarly taken Retiring and
                  Presenting them selues after Consideration on the Praemisses hau-
                  ing taken befor the Court wear demanded wheather thay wear
                  agreed and thay all answered Is then thay wear demanded who shoold
                  giue in thear Verdict by Mr Henry Addames and thay all answered
                  thear forman who deliuered it to the board by word of mouth as
            [p. 409] The three Sows wee valew at one hundered and twenty pounds of
                  tobacco apeece and the four pigs at thirty pounds of tobacco apeece

                   It is thearfor Ordered that each of them to wit William Allen
                  John Muns John boyden and John Cahell shall pay doble the valew
                  of each of the aforsayd Swine to James Lee the Right owner of the
                  sayd hogs and tow hundered pounds of tobacco dew for a fine unto
                  the informar James Lee and three hundered pounds of tobacco for
                  a fine to the Right Honorable Lord Proprietarie by act of Assembly
                  entituled an Act touching hogs and Marking of Cattell: with Cost
                  and Charge of Suit

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)
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