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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 54   View pdf image (33K)
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                  54    Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662.

            Liber A Warrant to the Sheriffe to Arest &c Ret: ut supra Subpaenes to
                  the Sheriffe for Archabell Wahopp and Rob: Troope fo iohn But-
                  terige to testifie concerning the estate of Capt: william Lewisses
                  Estate deceased

             At A Court held in Charleses Cotintie the 14th of Nouember Ao
                                Salutis 1659
                          Josias Fendall Esq Gour
                      Mr Henrie Addames        Qaesitores Mr James Waker
                             Capt John Jenkins

                  Hennerie Francom Plantiue The Plantiue not appearing the de-
                  Edmond Linsey Per Suum fendant by his Atturney Thomas
                135 Atturnatum Thomas jakson Jackson Craueth a referance which
                    Defendant          is granted him:

            [p.69] \Vhearas Thomas Darline absented himself and coold not bee
                  found through the request of Christopher Russell Attachment issued
                136 fourth against the sayd Darlins estate and beeing returned into this
                  Court Christopher Russell proouing his debt dew unto him from the
                  sayd Darline to bee nine hundered Seauentie one tb of tob: besids
                  whot the sd Darline owed him for Cattell it is thearfor ordered, that
                  the sd some of tob: bee payed out of the sayd Attachment, And that
                  Christopher Russell take his Cattell againe, And that the debt of
                  Umpherie Atwicks beeing 343½ and Samuell Harrisses beeing 120
                  bee Satisfied next.

                  John Butterige Plantiue The Plantiue Aresting the defendant in
                Edmond Philpot Defendantfan action of the Case which hee declar-
                137 eth to bee for debt and desiereth that Christopher Russell might haue
                  his oath giuen him, which is granted

                    Christopher Russel Sworne and examined in open Court Sayeth
                  that Edmond Philpot did consent freelie to giue him the sayd But-
                  terige his diate for the time the sayd Butterige was with the sayd
                  Philpot, and that the sayd Philpot was contented to giue the Plan-
                  tiue one hundered lb of tob: for his worke done at the sayd Philpots
                  hous & further Sayeth not

                    It is thearfor ordered tht the Plantiue shoold haue payd to him
                  by the defendant one hundered pounds of tob: for his labour & also
                  tht the defendant deliuer unto the Plantiue his frow & all accounts
                  ballanced: with Cost and Charge of suit

                    Thomas Michel desiereth, that Mr Thomas Lomax and Elisabeth
                  Atwicks might haue thear oaths giuen them concerning the abusful
                  reproaches offered unto his wife by Mis Hatche

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 54   View pdf image (33K)
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